Flash Player is required for some video streaming and apps on the web. GetFlash is tool that downloads and installs the latest Flash Player, written by Shinobar. Alternatively, download from Adobe's site, instructions on the libflashplayer page.
Installation and Usage
Install latest version of the package from Get Flash thread
Go to: PuppyMenu > Internet > GetFlash Install Flash

Linux Support
- Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last version to target Linux as a supported platform. Adobe will continue to provide security backports to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux. However, the Pepper Flash plugin for Chromium allows later version to be used with that browser.
Also on the Wiki
libflashplayer - instructions on downloading from Adobe's website, and how to find Flash version
Chromium - allows later version of Flash than 11.2 on Puppy Linux
FlashExtractor - view and manipulate Flash files
Gnash - Open Source Alternative Flash Player
Related Webpages