Wiki source for BrowserLinux
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]
~BrowserLinux, also known as Browser Linux 501, is a minimalist version of Puppy. It is meant to be a fast and small Linux distribution for surfing the web. There is also a "fat" version of BrowserLinux that includes [[OpenOffice]].
~Entire operating OS requires < 95MB.
~Browse to [[ the BrowserLinux website]] for current install files and instructions.
~[[FireFox Firefox Browser]]
~Flash 10.3
~Music Player
==Related Webpages==
~[[ BrowserLinux homepage]]
~BrowserLinux, also known as Browser Linux 501, is a minimalist version of Puppy. It is meant to be a fast and small Linux distribution for surfing the web. There is also a "fat" version of BrowserLinux that includes [[OpenOffice]].
~Entire operating OS requires < 95MB.
~Browse to [[ the BrowserLinux website]] for current install files and instructions.
~[[FireFox Firefox Browser]]
~Flash 10.3
~Music Player
==Related Webpages==
~[[ BrowserLinux homepage]]