Revision [30368]

This is an old revision of Chrome made by darkcity on 2014-09-11 05:28:34.


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Google Chrome

Google Chrome is Google's packaged version of the Chromium open source web-browser project.

Then install an appropriate Chrome package:
Portable Google Chrome (thread) - installer created by SFS
Google Chrome 32 PET/SFS (thread) packaged for Wheezy, Precise and Upup packaged by OscarTalks - for Slacko 5.6 see thread

Sometimes packaged seperately:

Installation on Puppy Lucid 5.2x
1. First, please uninstall any Iron, Chromium, or Chrome pets.

2. Second, install this libgconf2-4_3.1.6 pet.

3. Then install an appropriate Chrome package:

Also on the Wiki
Chromium - same browser without google branding

Google-Chrome beta 2 - packaged by Wolfe

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