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====Desktop Application Integration====
~This page lists ways to integrate an application into the Puppy [[DesktopEnvironments desktop environment]], especially file associations.  The focus in on Puppy staples [[ROXfiler Rox Filer]] and the [[JWM JWM window manger]].

==Menu Entry==
~[[AppsDesktop .desktop]] files are the standard way for Linux programs to provide information about themselves and how they are run.  These files are stored at ##/usr/share/applications##.  Many programs come ready with a .desktop file.  If a menu entry is required include one.  Icons normally go in ##/usr/share/pixmaps/##.

==Related Webpages==
~[[http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=644747 MIME types and associations and .desktops]]
