DidiWiki is a small and simple Wiki implementation. It's intended for personal use for notes, Todo's, etc. It runs on a browser via localhost using its own built-in server. It was original written by Matthew Allum with updates from Peter Korsgaard and Amigo.
DidiWiki is standard in many puppies, go to menu option:
Puppy Menu > Personal > DidiWiki
Otherwise see the DidiWiki thread for details.
DidiWiki stores its data in text files located (by default) at /root/spot/.didiwiki
To save the data elsewhere move the .didiwiki folder to the desired location, then symlink that directory back to /root/spot/.didiwiki. Note the directory may be hidden in some file-managers including RoxFiler
Using pplog to serve local image files
- Start pplog from the Puppy Menu, or type hiawatha in the terminal.
- pplog stores its files in /root/Web-Server/blog, copy the images required to that directory.
Image files are now available to DidiWiki, example-
A file called /root/Web-Server/blog/me.png, will be available at http://localhost/blog/me.png
Also on the Wiki
Root, Spot and Fido user accounts - didiwiki can be run as spot that doesn't have root privileges
Wikka - Wiki engine used for this Puppy wiki
CiWiki - Fork of DidiWiki
Geany - Text editor
Discussion threads
Related Webpages