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Frisbee is network manager which can help you maintain internet connection in Puppy Linux. It is a front end for WpaRoaming Wpa Roaming and dhcpcd, inspired by Wpa Gui.

Installation Slacko and Polar
Frisbee is built-in on Puppy53 Slacko Puppy5.31 and PolarPup go to network wizard and select Frisbee.

Installation Precise Puppy 5.4.x (upup)
Install the components PET PETs from this post
Install the Frisbee-3 PET from this post

Alternative version- Frisbee+xpupsay-beta2-1112.pet

Install Puppy Lucid (5.2x) and Puppy 4
1. Install the following software Software Package(s):
2. Install the correct dhcpcd package for the Puppy version:

Installation XOPup
For the XOPup version, see this forum post.

Installation for Archpup
For Archpup there is an SFS version, see alternative forum thread

Eliminate Frisbee messages
Frisbee can be useful with unstable Internet connections, as it will periodically try to reconnect. However, by default it generates a message every time it does it, which can become annoying.

To disable those messages (Frisbee will keep on working in the background):
delete the file /etc/frisbee/.notify_mode (tested in Slacko 55).
Forum thread

Also on the Wiki

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Comment by darkcity
2011-07-14 05:46:36
Simply, when someone disagrees with a change to the page. For example, coolpup and I have different styles - which are sometimes incompatible. Going to be working on the Style Guide and Template - so input from everyone would be handy.

On wikipedia when people want conflicting changes a discussion between all interested parties is setup - this usually finds a resolution. also wikipedia has definite guidelines for different article/page types.
Comment by CrustyLobster
2011-07-15 04:27:47
To be honest I find if an experienced person edits a page or regularly edits that page, then it is up to them to style it . . .
If you apply a style to every page on the wiki that is fine with me
For example the [[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareNetwork Network]] that you have implemented is a good idea :)
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