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==[[ Top 7 Things GNU/Linux Does Better Than Microsoft Windows]]==

==[[ Puppy GNU/Linux Operating System Releases]]==
~-Using Debian package repositories
{{image url=""}}
~~-[[ BookwormPup32]]
~~~-[[ Download]]
~~-[[ BookwormPup64]]
~~~-[[ Download]]
~-Using Slackware package repositories
~~-[[ S15Pup]]
~~~-[[ Download]]
~~~-[[ Release Notes]]
~-Using Ubuntu package repositories
~~-[[ UPup32 (Bionic, Focal, Jammy & Noble)]]
~~~-[[ Download]]
~~-{{color text="F96-CE" c="purple"}}
~~~-[[ Download]]
~~~-[[ Release Notes]]
~-Using Void package repositories
~~-[[ VoidPup]]
~~~-[[ Download]]

==[[ Fatdog64 GNU/Linux Operating System Releases]]==

==[[ Barry Kauler's Blog]] {featuring experimental & cutting-edge 64-bit computer operating systems}==
~~-[[ EasyOS development]]
~~-[[ EasyOS releases]]
~-[[ EasyVoidOS]]
~~-[[ EasyVoidOS development]]
~~-[[ EasyVoidOS releases]]
~-[[ QuirkyVoidOS]]
~~-[[ QuirkyVoidOS development]]

==Computer GNU/Linux Operating System Installation==
~-Installation to External Device
~-Installation to Internal Device

==De-Googled Operating Systems for Android Devices==
~~-[[ CalyxOS]]
~~~-[[ Installing CalyxOS on Google Pixel]]
~~-[[ iodéOS]]
~~~-[[ Review of iodéOS]]

//[[ `freedom from unauthorized intrusion`]]// (Merriam-Webster)
~-[[ Internet Privacy Guy]]
~-Recommended Search Engine
~~-[[ StartPage]]
~-Browser Isolation
The objective is to restrict browser fingerprinting
Minimize browser fingerprinting via strict Web browsing segregation (browser isolation), by employing a minimum of 3 Web browsers. For example:
~~-##Chrome## {for when accessing Google services only & LOGGED-IN TO GOOGLE ACCOUNT, e.g. Gmail, Youtube}
~~-##Brave## {for when accessing Google services only & NOT LOGGED-IN TO GOOGLE ACCOUNT, e.g. Youtube}
~~-##[[ LibreWolf]]## and/or ##[[ Floorp]]## and/or [[ Tor Browser]]## {for when accessing everything else & NOT LOGGED-IN TO GOOGLE ACCOUNT}

~-[[ Home Network Setup]]

~-[[ restic]]
~~-[[ Github entry]]
~~-[[ Releases (Assets)]]

~-[[ Compiling Software Applications]]

~-//[[ Choosing PC Build Components]]//

==[[ Support & Discussion Forum]]==
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