Revision [4337]

This is an old revision of HowToUsePuppy made by linuxcbon on 2009-11-17 06:38:49.


Puppy graphic

How to Start Using Puppy Linux

On this page are links about how to get started using Puppy Linux.
Most everything you could conceivably need to know is here.
Peruse this information carefully and start enjoying Puppy!

Download Puppy Linux

Download the latest production version of Puppy Linux.
LATEST OFFICIAL (17/11/2009) pup-431.iso

You can run it as liveCD or install it (2 ways : frugal or full disk) :


InstallationFullUSB Install Puppy to a USB flash drive by using the Puppy Universal Installer.

Diverse Tutorials

FrequentlyAskedQuestions Frequently Asked Questions
Puppy Tutorial Videos
ReleasesVersionsHistoryOfPuppy History of Puppy
ReleasesVersionsHistoryOfPuppy PuppyReleases
Puppy version numbering
PuppyLinuxSearchEngine Puppy Linux Search Engine
Mounting and Unmounting drives
PrintingInPuppy Printing in Puppy
Tor Privacy

Free Technical Support

Free support is available from the Puppy Linux Forum

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