Revision [11994]

This is an old revision of InstallationFrugal made by coolpup on 2011-01-11 15:51:53.


A Puppy frugal installation is performed by extracting the contents of the container ISO or ZIP file to one, i.e. the same, directory on any desired FAT32, NTFS or EXT4 formatted partition. Let that desired partition be known as the target partition since one is aiming to install to it. That partition may be on either an external flash memory device {e.g. U.S.B. flash memory drive (often erroneously referred to as memory stick), SD flash memory card, etc.} or an internal hard disk drive.

If the target partition or drive contains any personally important files copy them elsewhere if required, because they will be destroyed when formatting.

The target device is the device which contains the partition that one aims to install to. The target device is either an external flash memory device or an internal hard disk drive. If installation is to an internal hard disk drive, one usually has to have already an existing Puppy installation on a separate drive such as a LiveUSB or LiveDVD.

If installation is to an external flash memory device, connected via U.S.B., follow the next three steps. It is assumed that one is running Puppy Linux. If one is running Microsoft Windows go to Appendix 1 below.

If, after performing the three steps below, the computer does not boot from the flash memory device follow the instructions in Appendices 1 and 3 at LiveDVD.

Step 1 - Preparing the target device

select EXT4 for all partitions if possible {fastest file-system for flash memory devices}
or select FAT32 for sharing the device with non-Linux mobile devices {install dosfstools}
or select N.T.F.S. for sharing the device with non-Linux operating systems {install ntfs3g, }

Step 2 - Installing Puppy to the target device

Step 3 - Installing a boot-loader to the target device

Using SYSLINUX for EXT4 partitions

Using SYSLINUX for FAT32 partitions

Using GRUBforDOS for NTFS partitions

References (see next reference also)

Appendix 1 - Installation to any external device, from within Microsoft Windows

Appendix 2 - Installation to any Microsoft Windows partition and using GRUBforDOS as boot-loader

Installing the boot-loader to the internal hard disk drive (where Microsoft Windows resides)
Installing the boot-loader to an external drive

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