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====How to repair disk partitions====
~Quote from Puppy forum on repairing a disk [[WikiPedia:Disk_partitioning partition]]-

~~If it is a Linux partition, reboot from Lighthouse 5 CD entering safe <Enter> at the boot menu. (safe is the same as debug pfix=ram,fsck,nox,nocopy)
~~Type df -h to locate your boot partition (the partition where your Lighthouse files are.) Let's say it's /dev/sda2 and df -h indicates it has at least 800M available.
~~Type umount -l /mnt/sda2 (that's -l as in Lazy)
~~Type mount <Enter> to verify it unmounted (sda2 not listed by mount is what you want to see.)
~~Type e2fsck -vfy /dev/sda2 (if it's a reiserfs, type reiserfsck /dev/sda2)
~~Type e2fsck -vy /dev/sda2 " "
~~Repeat last step until output is clean.
~~Type resize2fs -pf /dev/sda2
~~Type reboot

~~At the boot menu enter puppy pfix=ram,fsck,nocopy
~~Once in X Find Menu | System | File System | Muppy Quickmount
~~Select a partition and click unmount
~~Select the same partition and click Repair
~~Repeat last two steps for all Linux partitions except the swap partition.
~~Reboot entering fn at the boot menu (same as pfix=fsck,nocopy)
~~If everything is normal, reboot normally.
~~(That was complicated by not being able to run X. If X starts, just the last section will usually suffice.)

==Also on the Wiki==

==Related Webpages==
~[[ forum discussion on repairing partitions]]

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