Revision [1687]
This is an old revision of OpenUniversity made by CrustyLobster on 2009-10-01 04:01:20.
Support for Open University Linux
We support FREE Open Office, FREE Abiword and FREE Gnumeric software
Our supported software is Microsoft and Star Office compatible
and follows open standards for documents, spreadsheets and presentation programs
We support Web2, Gmail/googlemail
We now provide customised operating system disks
Open View article
We now support FirstClass for Redhat and Puppy Linux
What is Linux and Open Source?
- Open Doors to Open Source We mean business
- Use the Short intro to AboutPuppy Puppy Linux and then the Flash video tutorials to learn how to install a Linux ISO CD disc image
What Support can I get?
- Familiarise yourself with the material and links on the AboutPuppy Puppy Linux page
- Question should be addressed to:
- Puppy Linux forum Using and installing Puppy Linux
As well as an OU student I am Publicity Officer for the Puppy Linux Foundation. I previously used Windows XP but found it a 'malware magnet' that was becoming an untenable waste of time and resources. To my astonishment, no support for Open Source was offered at the OU - so I decided to start my own - well the course I am doing is in 'Practical Thinking' . . .
This is a personal initiative by Ed Jason focusing on AboutPuppy Puppy Linux
The current official Open University policy is to only fund and support closed sourced software from Microsoft