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Puppy Linux Organization

Essential reading is the Project Statement by BarryK Barry Kauler.

Puppy Development is organized as an Emergent Doacracy. Some arrangements are by resource e.g. website domain, CMS, Forum, chatroom. Others are by project e.g. NativeLanguageSupport Language support, documentation, puplet, release version.
Historically each project always has had one primary facilitator. Facilitators always welcome constructive help, contact them directly with your ideas.

Main Developers
BarryK Barry Kauler - P.O. Box 359, Perenjori, WA 6620, Australia - Creator of Puppy
01micko - Puppy 5.3 'Slacko', programs eg pRadio and pupTelly,
Larry (playdayz) Puppy Lucid
Jemimah - developing Saluki, created Puppeee and Fluppy
Ttuuxxx - compiling, coding
Iguleder - compiling, experimental ISO
Kirk and Jamesbond - Puppy Fatdog 64bit
Gilbert (Amigo) Creating new Puppy programs
Sigmund (Zigbert) creating new Puppy programs
Rerwin (Richard) - module preferences

scsijon - Creater of QtPuppy
RSH - Creator of LazyPuppy

No longer as active-
Guy (Gposil) Australia Dpup Dpup Puppy 5
MarkUlrich Mark Ulrich (MU) developed PuppyBasic and has created many, many new dotpups (superceded by .pets) and Muppy
Pizzasgood - USA - misc. apps and wizards, occasional puplets

Forum Maintainers
Puppy Forum maintainers:
John Murga/Judge Dredd owner - location unknown
Flash works at organizing the forum with full admin status
Beem, Aitch - admins

Software Repository maintainers:
MU - Germany, maintains

Wiki maintainers
WikiIndex Wikka wiki maintainers:
Michael Amadio AKA 01Micko, Owner, server admin, software upgrades,
Darkcity - admin
Coolpup - admin

RaffyM Raffy - former owner, server admin, software upgrades

Puppy Community Website maintainers
RaffyM Rufino Mananghaya (Raffy, RaffyM) - Philippines, raffymn at maintains
Prithish - US

IRC maintainers
Josh Reynolds (J_Rey, JeyRey) - Pensacola, FL, USA maintains PuppyLinuxIRC

Also on the Wiki

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