Revision [22158]

This is an old revision of Printing made by coolpup on 2012-07-11 04:14:04.


HomePage > ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos > PrintersScanners Printers and Scanners

How to Use a Printer with Puppy Linux

How to print with specific hardware




Hewlett Packard (HP)


How to print within specific software
"Installing the CUPS-PDF package, which is available in many distributions' repositories, will allow applications to print to a virtual PDF printer. The resulting documents are saved, by default, in the user's home directory under the "PDF" folder. If, after installing the CUPS-PDF package, a virtual PDF printer doesn't appear on your system you should be able to add it manually by going into your distribution's printer configuration app and adding a new local printer of the type "PDF" or "Generic PDF". In some cases you may not need to install a virtual PDF printer. Some applications come with the built-in ability to export documents to PDF format. The LibreOffice suite, for example, can natively save documents in PDF format without requiring a virtual PDF printer."

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