{{include tongues Puppy301apps}}
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====Puppy 3.01 Applications====
==Applications, applications, & more applications...==
~There is a most important point that needs to be made here:
**all** of the apps listed below are in that approx 90-100MB Puppy
distribution -- they are not extras that have to be downloaded later.
So, it **all** runs in a ramdisk, and it all installs in a 256M
usb flash card with over half left over for your data. Prepare to be
Web browser: SeaMonkey
E-mail: SeaMonkey
Word processor: AbiWord
Spreadsheet: [[Gnumeric]]
Media Player: [[GxineHOWTO Gxine]]
Image Editor (raster): MtPaint
Image Editor (vector): [[Inkscape InkscapeLite]]
Chat: [[Gaim2 Gaim]]
Contacts: SeaMonkey
Calendar: [[ICal]]
File Manager: [[rox ROX-filer]]
Window Manager: [[JoesWindowManager JWM]]
==Web Browser==
- Mozilla SeaMonkey, NetSurf
- Mozilla SeaMonkey
==Instant Messaging==
- [[Gaim2 Gaim]]
- [[Gaim2 Gaim]], Mozilla SeaMonkey chat
==Filesharing & Downloading==
- ""TransMission"" BitTorrent graphical client
- ctorrent (command-line BitTorrent client), PupCtorrent (graphical interface for downloading/seeding with ctorrent) & Pupcreatetorrent (graphical interface for creating a .torrent file with ctorrent)
- [[Wget]] (command-line HTTP & FTP downloader) & [[Xwget]] (graphical interface for wget)
==Text & Documents==
- AbiWord (word processor)
- Geany, Leafpad (text editors)
- Mozilla SeaMonkey Composer (web page creation)
- ePDFView (PDF viewer)
- puppyPDF (converts file to PDF)
- [[Gnumeric]] (spreadsheet)
- ExpenseTracker
- HomeBank (finance management)
===Personal Information Management===
- [[ICal]] (calendar/appointments)
- NoteCase (notes)
- SeaMonkey Address book
- [[GxineHOWTO gxine]] (multimedia player)
- Grafburn, TkDVD (CD & DVD burners)
- Pcdripper, Pupdvdtool, ripperX (CD, DVD rippers)
- Burniso2cd, ISOMaster (ISO tools)
- GTKSee (image viewing & managing)
- MtPaint (image editor for raster graphics)
- [[Inkscape InkscapeLite]]
===System & Utilities===
- X.org & xvesa (graphics systems)
- [[JoesWindowManager JWM]] (window manager)
- [[rox ROX-Filer]] (file manager)
- [[MUT]], [[Pmount]] (drive mounters)
- [[RxvT]] (terminal/console)
- [[CUPS]] (printing)
- [[GParted]](partition manager)
- [[Grub]] (boot loader)
- [[Xarchive]] (archiver, zip etc.)
- [[Bubbles]]
- [[Gemgame]]
- [[Gtkfish]]
- [[Rubix]] cube
- [[Tkmines]]