![Lucid 5.2.1 logo](http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/9431/wp5strip.jpg)
Release notes
b6658ab75cd5d48f358f0ee31b06b934 lupu-525.iso
Devx for developers (programming, compiling)
a72c8744b220c5bf02d5161445927382 lupu_devx_525.sfs
torrent mirror
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Created with Woof Puppy Woof, Puppy compiled programs
and binaries from Lucid, Maverick and Natty Ubuntu
- PupControl 1.4.1 click on Setup icon
- More programs in Puppy Package Manager
- Many improvements eg. Sound is persistent
- More themes
- xz-utils added
- Guvcview for webcam support (under multimedia menu)
- pStopwatch and Ptimer replaced with pClock and pTiming
- Updated programs eg: Flashplayer 10.2r152. Bash 4.1.0, Syslinux 4.03, e2fsprogs 1.41.14, JWM 500, Gnumeric 1.10.13, Pschedule, Psync, Pburn 3.3.4, Pcd, Pfind, Pmusic 1.6.4, Pnethood, Pprocess, Searchmonkey, Viewnior, Xlock, Asunder 2.1, Osmo 0.2.10 (even though it stills says 0.2.8 on the titlebar), grub4dos config 1.7, JWM Thememaker 1.5
- LucidHelp HELP I need somebody
- Lucid Help also available from Quickpet
- Getting Started with Puppy Linux with David "Pa" McClamrock
- LucidTutorialAddSoftware Add Software Quickpet, LucidPuppySFS SFS, Puppy Package Manager (PPM)
- LucidTutorialDevx Compiling and developing in Lucid
- Change your desktop video
- Puppy52LuciTipsLowMemory Low Memory Personal Storage file
- Tweaks also available from Quickpet
- Mtpaint mouse scroll zoom (video)
- Openbox cpu monitor = Desktop setting -> fbpanel config -> plugins -> General OK
- Latest LibreOffice for your language
- Converting media eg. ASF to AVI