Revision [18253]
This is an old revision of Puppy53 made by CrustyLobster on 2011-09-26 00:38:16.

Puppy53 Main Slacko page | Puppy53Developers Developers | NoobHelp New Developers | ArtSpot Art for Slacko
yes.. it's that time again..
Time to get Slacko Micko
Official Puppy 5.3 'Slacko'
'Slacko' = ISO name, 'Spot' = original code namePuppy 5.3 Beta 4 Available
Features 0f 5.3 (known as Spup 'Slacko' during development)
- Min spec P3 600 with 256 RAM
- 32 bit priority (64 bit version not presently planned)
- Goal of under 100MB ISO using xz compression built into 2.6.8 series kernels, with "200 line patch"
- Porteus module compatibility
- Seamonkey default browser installed (others easily available from Slickpet)
- Pns-tool Wi-fi support
- Transmission bit torrent installed
- Xchat IRC chat installed
- psippy PSIP Puppy Phone New interface and code for free worldwide calls
- One Window manager - JWM
- KDE Trinity, E17, fonts etc support as SFS modules
- Gettext being used in all GUI scripts for internationalization
- LucidPuppyQuickpet Slickpet updated Quickpet, updated Puppy programs
- If possible, Firewall on by default
- Run as Fido, Spot or root as a choice
- Security dialogue on first booting, education rather than FUD, unmounting, benefits of encryption, use of passwords, running from DVD benefits etc.
- Panic button, disconnect from Internet (see icons bottom right of browser)
- Enhanced snapshot by radky
- Automatic 'personal storage file growth'/movement into a swap file
- Sorting out Browser/Flash incompatibilities on AMD dual core processors
- More than 6 SFS available as modules
- Possible browser choice SFS
- Menu Simplification - menu systems all need to be dragged up-to-date, such as giving the ability to drag application items between menu groups, create new groups, and hide groups not generally used until 'a menu spot is touched' or a new pet requiring that default group.
- An actual Recycle Bin. Deleted files go automatically to the Recycle Bin, which can be emptied. People expect this, numerous times in Puppy I have seen my mistake right after hitting Delete.
- Audio improvements. eg. audio and recording in Mhwavedit works
- One application per function by default
- All applications on install give you the option of an on screen shortcut
- On screen info messages with close button rather than timer eg. initial boot up message
- A ppm userset directory (defaults to /root/pets) and matching auto-indexing ppm entry point that users can place pets from other sources into and install / remove via the ppm.
- As in Lucid, boot to desktop, quickset, browser installer (for alternatives to Seamonkey) and LucidPuppyQuickpet Quickpet/Slickpet
- Puppy Universal Installer bug fixes
- Messages colour scheme
Yellow: next-step
Violet: announcement
Green: success, completion
Pink: warning
Red: error
Orange: pending, in-progress
Blue: information
The choice of which distro's packages are used is not really up to me. It is really a question of who will "run with the ball". playdayz had the determination and stamina to bring puppy526 Lucid Puppy to release status and to coordinate a series of upgrades. Now he wants a rest and that is well-earned.
It was playdayz who choose Ubuntu packages, and the choice for the next Puppy (5.3) is also up to whoever is going to manage it. Barry K full message