Revision [24042]
This is an old revision of PuppyVersionDevelopment made by darkcity on 2012-09-24 15:47:09.
Puppy Versions Under Development
List of Developing Puppies
- PrecisePuppy (under development, presently for x86) by BarryK, will be available for ARM powered devices, more powerful Raspberry Pi. Beta 7 announcement
- Puppi - Puppy specifically for the Raspberry Pi which is ARM v6. Now under active experimentation and development. Puppi is a port to specific ARM hardware - the Raspberry Pi motherboard.
Forthcoming table
Name | Description | Link |
New Fatdog Fatdog 600 | Latest 64 bit Puppy - Alpha | thread |
Carolina | Fork of Saluki-023 which was targeting newer computers. | Carolina post ![]() |
SlackoNews Puppy 5.3.5 Slacko | Slacko with newer kernel and updates | forum link |
QtPuppy QtPuppy 2 | Version 2 is based on Mageia | thread QtPuppy Alpha download page |
Puppi | Puppy specifically for the RapsberryPi which is ARMv6 | thread |
PARM | ARM based devices are getting cheaper and faster. One device called the Raspberry Pi has excited developers enough to start making a Puppy ARM derivative. BarryK is also experimenting with the Mele A1000 and A2000 which uses an ARMv7 device. | thread Barry's Blog |
Saluki | Designed from the ground up for use as a base system for puplet developers. Remix your own perfect, production quality puplet in 15 minutes or less. Targeting newer computers. Version 023 nearly complete. | blog forum threadalt forum thread ![]() |
Puppy6 | Compile from scratch for maximum speed and performance. Create a new build system that supports multiple platforms, with a user friendly package manager, and a well stocked repository | thread |
- Racy is recommended for language translators. Important bug fixes and enhancements for better and more complete translation. Run MoManager and review translations, also you might find more to do in the 'doc_strings' category.