Wiki source for PuppyVersionInformation

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====How to find the Puppy Version====
~Information about the version of Puppy is stored at ##/etc/DISTRO_SPECS##

==Using Terminal==
~You can see this file by going to a [[TerminalEmulator terminal emulator]] and typing in the following code (ensure letter cases are copied exactly)-

~%%cat /etc/DISTRO_SPECS%%

~To see just the version Name and Number, use the following code-

~%%source /etc/DISTRO_SPECS && echo "$DISTRO_NAME $DISTRO_VERSION"%%

~An alternative is uname-

~%%uname -a%%

==""Using PupSysInfo""==
~Open PupSysInfo go to 'System Specs' and select 'Distro Specs'

==More information==
~For more information on the current PupMode and SaveFile, see [[PuppyState]].

==Also on the Wiki==
~[[SaveFile]] - about the pup save file

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