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[[HomePage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Puppy6]]/[[Spup]] > [[Slacko6index|Slacko6]]
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====Slacko 6x index page====

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== What is Slacko 6? ==
~Slacko 6 is a series of Puppy releases (following on from [[Puppy53|Slacko 5]]), it uses the latest Puppy [[WoofCE]] build system. It has high compatibility with Slackware binary software packages (hence is a [[Spup]]). It was created by the lead developer [[Micko]] and the community. Including months of testing, upgrades and updates. Includes hardware recognition, programs and scripts unique to Puppy.

==Slacko releases==
~[[Slacko7 Slacko 7.0]] - (release candidate)
~**[[Slacko63 Slacko 63]]** - Released November 2015
~[[Slacko61 Slacko 61]] - Released October 2015
~[[Puppy53|Slacko5x]] - older versions of Slacko

==Related Webpages==
~[[ Slacko (32 bit) (thread)]]

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