Revision [4992]

This is an old revision of TranslatePuppy made by Droope on 2010-01-15 18:55:34.


How to translate puppy

Translating puppy is a community effort, there is no possibilty to make it a one person's mission. That being said, there is always a need for someone to start and take the head position, and to take the organizers role. It's quite an honor, and comes with the satisfaction of knowing that you have contributed - quite importantly - to puppy linux. I encourage you to, anyone can do it.

This is a sketch, please contribute.

Steps involved

These are unordered steps, which can be done in any order. Suggested order is as follows.

More info below.

Preliminary - Thinking time

Before starting, it is of MASSIVE importance for you to do one thing. Check the forums for previous translations. This can be done searching at puppy custom search or the forum search. This can avoid you a lot of frustation, and also to use your valuable time in a productive manner : ) Once you find a thread where translation is being discussed -- most likely -, please post there and inform the progress/problems you are having.

It would be also good for you to learn how to create pet packages.

Why? You might wonder. See, if you create a translated .ISO, it would be great. But now, if you create a pet, it can be used in any pupplet the user wants, and therefore, it is far more valuable and considered best-practice. Creating a pet is easy, as a pet is actually a .tar.gz with a "filesystem" in it. Do not hesitate to ask support at the forum, if required.

Font configuration for non-latin characters - Optional

I have little info to provide on this area, but I would recommend a wellminded search and a visit to this link: UTF8 locale for Puppy 4 (SFS)

Translating menu & desktop items

Check this forum link:

How to make the menu in your language. Works with JWM & Fluxbox, and I would think with other desktop environments too. Check the third post for best-practice.

In order to translate every application, you have to translate every item in /usr/share/applications. Remember to make a pet of these. :)


Where information was gathered from:
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