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Steps to Installation

Step 1 - Acquire the container file (either ISO or ZIP) of required Puppy Linux version
Typically Puppy comes as a set of three files:

N.B. Some Puppy versions make use of an additional file: z*.sfs

These files are usually distributed within a single container file in either ISO or ZIP file format. It is this container file that one has to acquire so as to be able to make use of the Puppy operating system from either download page, release or archive

Step 2 - Choose how to use Puppy Linux with your machine with
This will depend on the media type. Whether it is to be used without installation 'Live', or as the single or one of many installed operating systems. Also if Puppy is to take a occupy or share a partition:

Step 3 - Learn about Puppy
To get the most out of Puppy learning a little about how it works is useful, see How Puppy Works page

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