Revision [12830]
This is an old revision of cairo made by coolpup on 2011-02-16 04:40:50. SoftwareInstallation software package - DISCLAIMER
Dependencies: bzip2, fontconfig, freetype, glib, libpng, libxml2, libxau, pixman, tar
cairo (version 1.10.2 [release]) will be compiled with: The following surface backends: Image: yes (always builtin) Recording: yes (always builtin) Tee: no (disabled, use --enable-tee to enable) XML: yes Skia: no (disabled, use --enable-skia to enable) Xlib: yes Xlib Xrender: yes Qt: no (disabled, use --enable-qt to enable) Quartz: no (requires CoreGraphics framework) Quartz-image: no (disabled, use --enable-quartz-image to enable) XCB: no (requires xcb >= 1.1.92 xcb-render >= 0.9.92 Win32: no (requires a Win32 platform) OS2: no (disabled, use --enable-os2 to enable) CairoScript: no (disabled, use --enable-script to enable) PostScript: yes PDF: yes SVG: yes OpenGL: yes BeOS: no (disabled, use --enable-beos to enable) DirectFB: no (disabled, use --enable-directfb to enable) OpenVG: no (disabled, use --enable-vg to enable) DRM: yes The following font backends: User: yes (always builtin) FreeType: yes Fontconfig: yes Win32: no (requires a Win32 platform) Quartz: no (requires CoreGraphics framework) The following functions: PNG functions: yes GLEW functions: yes (private copy) GLX functions: yes WGL functions: no (WGL headers not found) EGL functions: no (EGL headers not found) X11-xcb functions: no (disabled, use --enable-xlib-xcb to enable) XCB-drm functions: no (disabled, use --enable-xcb-drm to enable) XCB-shm functions: no (requires --enable-xcb) DRM-Xr functions: no (disabled, use --enable-drm-xr to enable) The following features and utilities: cairo-trace: yes cairo-script-interpreter: yes And the following internal features: pthread: yes gtk-doc: no gcov support: no symbol-lookup: no (requires bfd) test surfaces: no (disabled, use --enable-test-surfaces to enable) ps testing: no (requires libspectre) pdf testing: no (requires poppler-glib >= 0.13.3) svg testing: no (requires librsvg-2.0 >= 2.15.0) --- The DRM surface backend feature is still under active development and is --- included in this release only as a preview. It does NOT fully work yet --- and incompatible changes may yet be made to DRM surface backend specific --- API. --- The OpenGL surface backend feature is still under active development and --- is included in this release only as a preview. It does NOT fully work yet --- and incompatible changes may yet be made to OpenGL surface backend --- specific API. --- The xml surface backend feature is still under active development and is --- included in this release only as a preview. It does NOT fully work yet --- and incompatible changes may yet be made to xml surface backend specific --- API.