[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex|Software Index]] > [[SoftwareDevelopment|Development]] > [[gtkdialog|gtkdialog]] > [[gtkdialogDocTips|Tips and Tricks]] ====10. The holy grail==== The holy grail is all about combining knowledge. To find spots in your gui where bash can fuel the gtk-theme or svg to push gtkdialog's limitations. Be aware that both gtk-themes and svg images are basically raw text files. Since bash is a great tool for text managing, it is easy to code a text-file depending on user/system input. The example is taken from the app 'pFind'. The screenshot shows that pFind has detected 419 files with the pattern "puppy". 2 audiofiles, 67 images... These are ## %% ===@@**#%[[gtkdialogDocTips9.16|❰❰❰ Previous]]#% #%[[gtkdialogDocTips|Index]]#% #%Next ❱❱❱#%**@@=== ---- ==Categories== CategoryGtkdialog