Revision [16120]
This is an old revision of mtPaint made by CrustyLobster on 2011-06-28 07:55:33.

mtPaint is the default paint program on many versions of Puppy. It is a simple raster/bitmap graphics editor. For more complex graphic operations you can install GIMP. For vector graphics see InkLite.
It is available from-
Puppy Menu > Graphics > mtPaint
click on the desktop Paint icon (when set as default paint program)
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Creating a wallpaper with mtPaint
Modifying digital pics
Open the directory/folder with your pics
If you can not see your pics right/click/show thumbnails (or for older Puppys go into options)
Click the + sign in the Rox folder to make thumbnails bigger
Drag the required thumbnail over the mtpaint icon and let go
Pic now in Mtpaint
Now you can make the image bigger or smaller with the scroll wheel
OK lets modify
Go to effects/change colours in Mtpaint
Best effects are increase saturation and a bit of gamma (don't go mad)
Too much gamma might need a bit of contrast and try some hue change for otherworldly sunsets
Apply before clicking OK and reset if the effects have gone too far when applied
That should give you pics a little more Puppification
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