Revision [16867]
This is an old revision of mtPaint made by darkcity on 2011-07-18 07:20:25.

mtPaint is the default paint program on many versions of Puppy. It is a simple raster/bitmap graphics editor.
Compatible with | Puppy4, Puppy5Index Puppy5, Wary |
Dependencies | - |
mtPaint is SoftwareBuiltIn built in many PuppyVersionIndex Puppy versions.
It is available from-
Puppy Menu > Graphics > mtPaint
or click on the desktop Paint icon (when set as default paint program)
Alternatively, install an appropriate PETs software package:
(SoftwareDisclaimer software package DISCLAIMER)
mtPaint for Wary5
To print from mtPaint install the GtkLp package:-
gtklp-1.2.5 Printing Extension
For more complex graphic operations you can install GIMP. For vector graphics see InkLite or Inkscape.Also See
UsingMtPaint Using mtPaintRelated Pages
Project PageDevelopment Page
Creating a wallpaper with mtPaint
