Revision [22539]
This is an old revision of pidgin made by coolpup on 2012-07-20 15:59:22.

instant messagingBinary code distribution packaged by Makoto
Source code distribution
Setup Puppy IRC
- Open Pidgin
- Click on Add account.
- Change the protocol to IRC
- Enter a screen name... eg IceUser
- Change the Server to
- Click Buddies...Add Chat
- In the Channel Box add...#puppylinux
- Put a checkmark in Auto-Login if you want to go to the Puppy IRC Chat EVERY time you open Pidgin. Otherwise, leave Auto-Login blank.blank.
or if you've already started using Gaim
- Add Screen name
- Click Save.
- Click sign on
- Click on your Buddy List...Buddies...Add Chat
- Select your IRC ( account
- In the Channel Box add...#puppylinux
- Click on Add.
- Right Click on IRC-#puppylinux in the Buddy List window and set to Auto-Join. This will automatically join the #puppylinux channel anytime you connect to
Also see