[[HomePage]] > [[SoftwareIndex Software Index]] > [[SoftwareMultimedia Multimedia]] > [[pMusic]] {{image url="http://www.smokey01.com/zigbert/pmusic/wiki/pmusic_heading.png" link="pmusic" title="pMusic" alt="pMusic" height="80"}} =====About===== [[pmusicHistory|History]] pMusic is a [[bash]] script / GtkDialog based Music Player developed by [[zigbert|Sigmund Berglund]]. It is quite well featured considering Puppy Linux's mantra of "Light and Sweet". Still, it misses some features found in the bigger alternatives. Remember, the pMusic package is a mere 100k. The main idea of building pMusic, is to keep dependencies to a minimum. That is why pMusic fits in a tiny environment without all kind of libs. The core engine is built around [[ffmpeg]] and [[alsa]] - only. It will sure benefit of some other backends like [[cdrtools]] and [[streamripper]]. For a complete list of dependencies; click [[http://wikka.puppylinux.com/pmusicInstall#hn_Dependencies here]] or type 'pmusic -D' in a terminal. pMusic is also a showcase of writing gui with [[bash]] scripting. This is done with the help of [[gtkdialog|gtkdialog]]. ---- ==Categories== CategoryMultimedia CategorySoftware