Revision [31406]
This is an old revision of pmusicAbout made by zigbert on 2016-10-17 10:14:45.
pmusicHistory History
pMusic is a bash script / GtkDialog based Music Player developed by Sigmund Berglund. It is quite well featured considering Puppy Linux's mantra of "Light and Sweet". Still, it misses some features found in the bigger alternatives. Remember, the pMusic package is a mere 100k.
The main idea of building pMusic, is to keep dependencies to a minimum. That is why pMusic fits in a tiny environment without all kind of libs. The core engine is built around ffmpeg and alsa - only. It will sure benefit of some other backends like cdrtools and streamripper. For a complete list of dependencies; type 'pmusic -D' in a terminal.
pMusic is also a showcase of writing gui with bash scripting. This is done with the help of gtkdialog gtkdialog.