Revision history for ClipBoard

Revision [25427]

Last edited on 2013-01-02 12:07:47 by darkcity [remove duplicate line]
~Also these programs save copied data even if the originating application is closed (normally the copied information is lost on exit).

Revision [25426]

Edited on 2013-01-02 12:04:12 by darkcity [update]
~**Clipboard** allow you to copy multiple items to a list for pasting later. The defaults in Puppy only allow copying of text strings. Also, these programs save the copied data if the originating application is closed (normally the copy is lost).
~Most Puppies have [[Glipper]] and [[xclipboard]] built-in. Enable them by going to either
~//PuppyMenu > Desktop > Glipper// or
~//PuppyMenu > Desktop > xclipboard//
~Also these programs save copied data even if the originating application is closed (normally the copied information is lost on exit).
Most Puppies have [[Glipper]] and [[xclipboard]] built-in. Enable them by going to-
//PuppyMenu > Desktop > Glipper//
//PuppyMenu > Desktop > xclipboard//
NOTE: if these programs aren't load the system clipboard will empty when you exit the app it was loaded from.

Revision [20882]

Edited on 2012-02-29 06:14:22 by darkcity [update]

No Differences

Revision [20881]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-02-29 06:14:06 by darkcity [update]
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