Revision [31499]

This is an old revision of DNSCrypt made by s243a on 2016-10-29 00:53:55.


DNSCrypt provides increased DNS Privacy and security by encrypting traffic between the user and a DNS resolver.

This could also provide robustness in the DNS system for the following reasons:
1. Encrypted Traffic is harder to spoof
2. The resolver can reduce the load on DNS servers by providing caching functionality.

DNCCrypt can also be used to get around domain name censorship. For instance if the country you are in is blocking the DNS address for a given domain name, you could in theory obtain the IP Address by using a DNS Server in the country where the content is being hosted. Of course for complete privacy one would need to tunnel traffic through either a VPN or Tor, since an IP packet contains the source and destination (See Wikipedia articles: IPv4 & IPv6) your ip traffic could be sniffed by intermediate servers.

Pet Download and Forum Thread

The most recent version of the DNSCrypt pet is available in the following thread:

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