Revision [25684]
This is an old revision of FrPuppy54 made by oui on 2013-02-05 04:21:31.

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CategoryMenuSlacko 5.4
Slacko 5.4 la version succédant à FrPuppy533 Slacko 5.3.3.
Built with the latest Woof from Slackware 14.0 binary packages.
To install download an appropriate ISO and use the desired InstallationIndex installation method. There are 2 iso images, one supports up to 4G RAM and one supports up to 64G RAM (PAE)
New SFS Manager
New Updates Manager - to get the latest Slackware security fixes
New kernels following LTS branches
Improved graphics support, with KMS and Mesa
Proprietary video driver upgrades available for Nvidia and AMD/ATI graphics
Internationalization improvements
Related Webpages
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