Revision [20423]

This is an old revision of NOP made by darkcity on 2012-02-02 11:22:01.


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Puppy NOP (Nearly Office Pup)

Puppy NOP ("Nearly Office Pup"), developed by aerospace engineer Gray, featuring the Xfce desktop environment

Racy NOP
Nearly Office Pup is an XFCE based puplet, so called because it is a no frills pup without office apps. The idea being that you install to USB pendrive and add an SFS file of the office package.

Racy NOP 5.2.2 is based on the recently released Puppy Racy 5.2.2 with JWM and Rox removed and replaced with XFCE4.6.2 and Thunar.
Racy 5.2.2 version thread

Puppy 4.3.1 NOP
Puppy 4.3.1 NOP

puppy-431-NOP-r2.iso md5 checksum


Puppy 3.01 NOP
default desktop & Opera tweaked appearance, Thunar filemanager & Xfce Settings Manager
NOP 3.01 screenshots: default desktop & Opera; tweaked appearance, Thunar filemanager & Xfce Settings Manager


removed from standard Puppy to make NOP:

NOP & Compiz-Fusion
Compiz-Fusion (a compositing window manager capable of 3D effects) is not included in NOP, but user tombh has successfully installed it in NOP. See this forum thread for a step-by-step howto and more info. Or see Wobbly NOP below
Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at compiz-fusion snow plug in showing tie fighters & x-wings drifting across the desktop

Wobbly NOP
tombh has released his second experimental release of NOP (wNOP-v0.2.iso) with Compiz-Fusion etc already built in.
Wobbly NOP with Pidgin & wobbly windows wNOP 0.2 with video playing on cube

Download Wobbly NOP
DownloadNOP Download Wobbly NOP, add-ons, patches etc.

NOP in Chinese
There is now a Chinese version of NOP 2.17up2.
PuppyNOP 2.17up2 Chinese
Chinese Puppy NOP 2.17up2
showing desktop & Thunar filemanager

DownloadNOP Download Chinse NOP, add-ons, patches etc.

Also see

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