Revision history for NoobHelp

Revision [27037]

Last edited on 2013-04-09 15:12:00 by darkcity
[[HomePage]] > [[ComponentHowTo Components and HowTos]]
{{image url="" width="60" title="Slacko homepage" alt="Slacko homepage"}}
~{{include tagInfoUpdate}}
[[HomePage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Puppy5Index Puppy5]]
{{image url="" width="100" title="Slacko homepage" alt="Slacko homepage"}}
{{include pagesSlacko}}

Revision [26325]

Edited on 2013-02-26 10:35:42 by darkcity [make pages instead of menu]
{{include tonguesNoobHelp}}
[[HomePage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]] > [[Puppy5Index Puppy5]]
{{image url="" width="100" title="Slacko homepage" alt="Slacko homepage"}}
{{include pagesSlacko}}
{{include SlackoMenu}}

Revision [25366]

Edited on 2012-12-21 10:33:43 by darkcity [tidy]
====New Users - Getting Started====
==Now first run==
==Absolute noobs==
//Slacko 5.3 is now our recommended "first stop" for all newcomers. Try Slacko! //
Barry Kauler
**Getting Started**
**Now first run:**

**Absolute noobs**
{{image url="" title="Next Puppy" alt="Next Puppy" link=""}}

Revision [22842]

Edited on 2012-07-30 07:30:47 by darkcity [{{include SlackoMenu}}]
{{include SlackoMenu}}
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Users]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]] | [[SlackoTips Tips]] | [[SlackoNews News]]

Revision [21012]

Edited on 2012-03-15 12:48:40 by CrustyLobster [a mature well supported Puppy]
[[Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware, Lucid [[puppy526 Puppy 528]] in use but being phased out, for Ubuntu fans is **a mature well supported Puppy**.
[[Saluki]] is beginning to emerge as our potential next release.
[[Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware, Lucid [[puppy526 Puppy 528]], for Ubuntu fans is a mature well supported Puppy.
[[Saluki]] is beginning to emerge as our potential next release

Revision [20195]

Edited on 2012-01-05 13:51:07 by CrustyLobster [How does Slacko compare with other Puppy versions?]
== How does Slacko compare with other Puppy versions? ==
//I sent a pm to Mick congratulating on the release of Slacko 5.3, but would also like to do it publicly.
Personally, I was impressed by Mick's even temperament, patience and persistent enthusiasm.//
[[ BarryK]]

Our three main Puppys are [[ Slacko, Lucid and Wary]]. Slacko is designed for newer computers, six or seven years old.
[[Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware, Lucid [[puppy526 Puppy 528]], for Ubuntu fans is a mature well supported Puppy.
[[ Quirky]] and [[Racy]] are used by Barry Kauler, the original creator of Puppy, to test new ideas.
[[Saluki]] is beginning to emerge as our potential next release
[[Dpup]] (Puppy + Debian) is designated as Puppy 6, currently being developed by ""Dejan555"", Iguleder, Pemasu and Sickgut.
Future Puppy will offer x86, [[PARM ARM]] and 64 bit versions and have support for tablet, phone, touch, cloud and Android features

Revision [19288]

Edited on 2011-10-30 21:48:16 by CrustyLobster [start with a fresh install]
DO NOT try and 'upgrade' from Lucid or an earlier Puppy Linux. They are not compatible. You should start with a fresh install
Move any essential files to storage media eg. backup bookmarks
[[InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO]] (make sure you know how to do this)
- Move any essential files to storage media eg. backup bookmarks
[[InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO]] (make sure you know how to do this)

Revision [19136]

Edited on 2011-10-25 05:19:14 by CrustyLobster [recommended "first stop"]
//Slacko 5.3 is now our recommended "first stop" for all newcomers. Try Slacko! //
Barry Kauler
Ok let's get Puppy . . .
- Move any essential files to storage media eg. backup bookmarks
[[InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO]] (make sure you know how to do this)
backup html bookmarks
move any essential files to storage media
[[InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO]] (make sure you know how to do this)

Revision [19128]

Edited on 2011-10-25 01:17:21 by CrustyLobster [InstallationIndex]
backup html bookmarks
move any essential files to storage media
[[InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO]] (make sure you know how to do this)
**Now first run:**
- If you have previous other versions of Puppy it is a good idea to type 'puppy pfix=ram' at the initial boot:
I do this because I will have a previous save file and do not want to boot with that config
- Use Probe and other settings, wizards
- Turn on firewall from icon bar bottom right (right click for options)
- You could do a reboot now to save your settings or you might install to hard disk
- In Rox options/thumbnails/show images
- Add your backgrounds from Hard drive (usr/share/backgrounds)
Download and burn the ISO (make sure you know how to do this)
Should you download Flash when prompted? A lot of sites still use flash so still a good idea

Revision [19121]

Edited on 2011-10-25 00:02:13 by CrustyLobster [Tell me more about Puppy]
**Getting Started**
[[ Tell me more about Puppy]]
Download and burn the ISO (make sure you know how to do this)
Boot and run from CD/DVD
Should you download Flash when prompted? A lot of sites still use flash so still a good idea
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform, wiki and reading the forum
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform, wiki and [[ reading the forum]]

Revision [19099]

Edited on 2011-10-24 09:50:07 by CrustyLobster [Tell me more about Puppy]
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Users]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]] | [[SlackoTips Tips]] | [[SlackoNews News]]
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform, wiki and [[ reading the forum]]
- [[ Try Puppy Phone]]
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]] | [[SlackoTips Tips]] | [[SlackoNews News]]
==//**{{color text="Compile stuff please. post pet.specs, make sure it's compiled in Slacko!" c="red"}}**//
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform, wiki and reading the forum
- [[ Test Puppy Phone]]
- [[ test fido]] - our security upgrades
- Do you know ISO's can be burnt to CD-RW or DVD-RW many times? //So now you can boot and text reports to the [[ forum]]//

Revision [19097]

Edited on 2011-10-24 09:44:44 by CrustyLobster [Tell me more about Puppy]
**To Do**
- Test current Slacko with 'puppy pfix=ram' at boot up. Run on different machines. Report results.
- [[ Help set up a package site]]
- Develop wiki page (that is this one and the main page) [[UsingThisWiki register with raffy]] for access if planning to contribute to wiki
- Open dialogue with Slackware developers
- Develop [[ Bacon]] and scripting skills
- Recompile heaps of stuff
- Fix guis for small screens
- Decide what icon layout is best. Maybe someone can hack something together for small screens?
- Translate... no need to reinvent the wheel here, many of shinobar's wary quickset programs will fit right in
- Test and suggest cloud links
- Check which work:
xara xtreme
Gimp 2.7.2
Coccinella 0.96.18
BlueGriffon 0.8
VLC 1.1.1 .................(seems fine in Slacko as well)
GoldenDict 0.9.0.....(seems fine in Slacko as well)
PeaZip 3.1 ...............(seems fine in Slacko as well)
DosBox 0.73............(fine in Slacko after installing mesa-7.6-q1)
//Please report non working apps to portable linux apps//

Revision [18930]

Edited on 2011-10-17 23:36:31 by CrustyLobster [Compile stuff]
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
==//**{{color text="Compile stuff please. post pet.specs, make sure it's compiled in Slacko!" c="red"}}**//
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}

Revision [18928]

Edited on 2011-10-17 23:09:06 by CrustyLobster [learn how to create pets]
- [[ Learn how to create pets]]
- Test current Slacko with 'puppy pfix=ram' at boot up. Run on different machines. Report results.
- Test current Slacko beta with 'puppy pfix=ram' at boot up. Run on different machines

Revision [18857]

Edited on 2011-10-13 10:36:06 by CrustyLobster [learn how to create pets]
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]] | [[SlackoTips Tips]] | [[SlackoNews News]]
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]] | [[SlackoTips Tips]]

Revision [18773]

Edited on 2011-10-11 21:17:31 by CrustyLobster [SlackoTips]
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]] | [[SlackoTips Tips]]
- [[ Create logos]], other artwork.
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]]
- [[ Create logos]], other artwork.
- [[ Sort through the various suggestion forum threads]] and sort out the various suggestions into a new thread and maintain the status in the first thread in concise terms (note - you may want to reply to it a couple of times to reserve the top 3 or so posts)

Revision [18738]

Edited on 2011-10-10 21:18:54 by CrustyLobster [indent]
xara xtreme
Gimp 2.7.2
Coccinella 0.96.18
BlueGriffon 0.8
VLC 1.1.1 .................(seems fine in Slacko as well)
GoldenDict 0.9.0.....(seems fine in Slacko as well)
PeaZip 3.1 ...............(seems fine in Slacko as well)
DosBox 0.73............(fine in Slacko after installing mesa-7.6-q1)
//Please report non working apps to portable linux apps//
xara xtreme
Gimp 2.7.2
Coccinella 0.96.18
BlueGriffon 0.8
VLC 1.1.1 .................(seems fine in Slacko as well)
GoldenDict 0.9.0.....(seems fine in Slacko as well)
PeaZip 3.1 ...............(seems fine in Slacko as well)
DosBox 0.73............(fine in Slacko after installing mesa-7.6-q1)
//Please report non working apps to portable linux apps//

Revision [18677]

Edited on 2011-10-08 22:28:19 by CrustyLobster [spot to slacko image]
{{image url="" title="Next Puppy" alt="Next Puppy" link=""}}
{{image url="" title="Next Puppy" alt="Next Puppy" link=""}}

Revision [18620]

Edited on 2011-10-08 06:22:09 by CrustyLobster [moving promos]
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Alpha 2]] vid from IcyOS
[[ SneakyLinux]] Intro to Puppy 5.3
[[ Spot the Puppy]] promo video
[[ Promotional video]]
[[ Promotional video 2]]
**Audio Pawedcast**
[[ How Spot fits into Puppys future]] audio
[[ ogg format]] aprox. 3MB better quality
[[ MP3 format]] aprox. 3MB

Revision [18542]

Edited on 2011-10-05 09:51:03 by CrustyLobster [moving promos]
{{image url="" title="text" alt="text"}}
{{image class="left" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}
== 'What is Slacko'? ==
Puppy 5.3 uses Puppy code and continues the Lucid tradition but uses more efficient Slackware rather than Ubuntu binaries along withthe latest releases of [[Woof]]
**Slacko** uses Puppy scripts, programs and Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**. Spup offers high compatibility with Slackware.
== How does this fit in with other Puppy versions? ==
The latest release versions of Puppy are [[Wary]], Lucid [[puppy526 Puppy 528]] and [[Racy]]. [[ Quirky]] is used to test new ideas from Barry Kauler
[[ Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware from Barry Kauler

Dpup (Puppy + Debian) was designated as Puppy 6
currently being developed by ""Dejan555"" and Iguleder
[[puppy6 Saluki]] Puppy rewrite is likely to move up to Puppy 7
Puppy 8 is likely to offer x66, ARM and 64 bit versions
and have support for tablet, phone, touch, cloud and Android features

Revision [18536]

Edited on 2011-10-05 02:43:36 by CrustyLobster [text logo]
{{image class="left" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}
currently being developed by ""Dejan555"" and Iguleder
{{image class="left" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}
currently being developed by Dejan555 and Iguleder

Revision [18520]

Edited on 2011-10-04 03:30:16 by CrustyLobster [partial update]
Puppy 5.3 uses Puppy code and continues the Lucid tradition but uses more efficient Slackware rather than Ubuntu binaries along withthe latest releases of [[Woof]]
**Slacko** uses Puppy scripts, programs and Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**. Spup offers high compatibility with Slackware.
The latest release versions of Puppy are [[Wary]], Lucid [[puppy526 Puppy 528]] and [[Racy]]. [[ Quirky]] is used to test new ideas from Barry Kauler
[[ Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware from Barry Kauler
[[puppy6 Saluki]] Puppy rewrite is likely to move up to Puppy 7
- [[ Test Puppy Phone]]
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform, wiki and reading the forum
- [[ Create logos]], other artwork.
- Test current Slacko beta with 'puppy pfix=ram' at boot up. Run on different machines
The latest release versions of Puppy are Wary and Lucid [[puppy526 = Puppy 528]] available for newer hardware
Puppy 5.3 uses Puppy code and Slackware binaries
At the moment **Slacko** beta 3 is released. It uses some Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') compatible Pup
**Slacko** an spup with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
Slacko uses both Puppy scripts and programs using the Woof or woofy development system to create a Puppy
[[ Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware from Barry Kauler
Quirky is a testing Puppy for new ideas from Barry Kauler
[[puppy6 Saluki]] Puppy rewrite (currently awaiting a kernel base))
is likely to move up to Puppy 7
- [[ Test Puppy Phone]] 'Psippy' PSIP2 - upgrades!
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform and wiki and reading the forum
- Create logos, other artwork. No talent? Pah never stops us when we need logos . . .
- Test current slacko beta with 'puppy = pfix=ram' at boot up. Run on different machines

Revision [18121]

Edited on 2011-09-19 20:37:51 by CrustyLobster [beta 3]
At the moment **Slacko** beta 3 is released. It uses some Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') compatible Pup
currently being developed by Dejan555 and Iguleder
[[puppy6 Saluki]] Puppy rewrite (currently awaiting a kernel base))
At the moment **Slacko** beta 2 is released. It uses some Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') compatible Pup
currently being revived by Dejan555 and Iguleder
[[puppy6 Saluki]] from Jemimah - Puppy rewrite (currently awaiting a kernel base))

Revision [17973]

Edited on 2011-09-10 22:34:20 by CrustyLobster [Please report non working apps to portable linux a]
- Check which work:
xara xtreme
Gimp 2.7.2
Coccinella 0.96.18
BlueGriffon 0.8
VLC 1.1.1 .................(seems fine in Slacko as well)
GoldenDict 0.9.0.....(seems fine in Slacko as well)
PeaZip 3.1 ...............(seems fine in Slacko as well)
DosBox 0.73............(fine in Slacko after installing mesa-7.6-q1)
//Please report non working apps to portable linux apps//

Revision [17969]

Edited on 2011-09-10 04:05:54 by CrustyLobster [test fido]
The latest release versions of Puppy are Wary and Lucid [[puppy526 = Puppy 528]] available for newer hardware
- [[ test fido]] - our security upgrades
- [[ Test Puppy Phone]] 'Psippy' PSIP2 - upgrades!
The latest release versions of Puppy are Wary and [[puppy526 = Puppy 528]] Lucid available for newer hardware

Revision [17870]

Edited on 2011-09-05 21:18:27 by CrustyLobster [Promos moved]
{{color text="New" c="red"}} [[ Alpha 2]] vid from IcyOS
[[ SneakyLinux]] Intro to Puppy 5.3
[[ Spot the Puppy]] promo video
[[ Promotional video]]
[[ Promotional video 2]]
**Audio Pawedcast**
[[ How Spot fits into Puppys future]] audio
[[ ogg format]] aprox. 3MB better quality
[[ MP3 format]] aprox. 3MB

Revision [17868]

Edited on 2011-09-05 21:04:36 by CrustyLobster [beta 2]
At the moment **Slacko** beta 2 is released. It uses some Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') compatible Pup
- Do you know ISO's can be burnt to CD-RW or DVD-RW many times? //So now you can boot and text reports to the [[ forum]]//
- Test current slacko beta with 'puppy = pfix=ram' at boot up. Run on different machines
- Open dialogue with Slackware developers
- Test and suggest cloud links
At the moment **Slacko** beta 1 is released. It uses some Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') compatible Pup
- Do you know ISO's can be burnt to CD-RW or DVD-RW? //So now you can boot and text reports to the [[ forum]]//
- Test current slacko/spup, just for a taste. Run on different machines
- Open invitation/dialogue with Slackware developers
- Test and suggest cloud links and send to sszindian

Revision [17556]

Edited on 2011-08-19 23:07:07 by CrustyLobster [What is Slacko?]
{{image class="left" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}
The latest release versions of Puppy are Wary and [[puppy526 = Puppy 528]] Lucid available for newer hardware
Puppy 5.3 uses Puppy code and Slackware binaries
**Slacko** an spup with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
currently being revived by Dejan555 and Iguleder
is likely to move up to Puppy 7
Puppy 8 is likely to offer x66, ARM and 64 bit versions
and have support for tablet, phone, touch, cloud and Android features
The latest release version of Puppy is Wary, with [[puppy526 = Puppy 526]]Lucid available for newer hardware
Puppy 5.3 uses binaries from Slackware along with Puppy magic
and has recently been revived by Dejan555 and Iguleder
is likely to move up to Puppy 7 when it gets off the ground
Puppy 8 is likely to offer Intel, ARM and 64 bit versions
and likely have support for tablet, phone and touch features and possible Woof Android
== What about the name? ==
**Slacko** or spup with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
@@{{image class="center" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}@@

Revision [17481]

Edited on 2011-08-17 07:54:06 by CrustyLobster [What is Slacko?]
== 'What is Slacko'? ==
The latest release version of Puppy is Wary, with [[puppy526 = Puppy 526]]Lucid available for newer hardware
Puppy 5.3 uses binaries from Slackware along with Puppy magic
and has recently been revived by Dejan555 and Iguleder
At the moment **Slacko** beta 1 is released. It uses some Slackware binaries and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') compatible Pup
**Slacko** or spup with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
Slacko uses both Puppy scripts and programs using the Woof or woofy development system to create a Puppy
== Nooby asks 'What is Spot'? ==
The current cutting edge version of Puppy is Lucid 'Findlandia' ([[puppy526 = Puppy 526]] a bug fixed Lucid 525)
Spot is the code name for Puppy 5.3 which uses binaries from Slackware along with Puppy magic
and has recently been revived by Dejan555
At the moment **Spot** alpha 3 is released. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') based Pup
[[ Spup Alpha 3 has been released]]
Spot is given the development name **slacko** or spup with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
Spot uses both Puppy scripts and programs using the Woof or woofy development system to create a Puppy

Revision [17480]

Edited on 2011-08-17 07:48:16 by CrustyLobster [What is Slacko?]
[[Puppy53 Main Slacko page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Slacko]]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
[[Puppy53 Main Spot page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Spot]]

Revision [17416]

Edited on 2011-08-11 04:12:34 by CrustyLobster [Slackware base]
The current cutting edge version of Puppy is Lucid 'Findlandia' ([[puppy526 = Puppy 526]] a bug fixed Lucid 525)
Spot is the code name for Puppy 5.3 which uses binaries from Slackware along with Puppy magic
At the moment **Spot** alpha 3 is released. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**, that means a Slackware (the 'S') based Pup
Spot is the code name for Puppy 5.3
the next cutting edge version of Puppy after Lucid ([[puppy526 = Puppy 526]] bug fixed Lucid 525)
At the moment **Spot** alpha 3 is released. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**

Revision [17402]

Edited on 2011-08-09 21:49:05 by CrustyLobster [alpha 3 is released]
Quirky is a testing Puppy for new ideas from Barry Kauler
At the moment **Spot** alpha 3 is released. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**
[[ Spup Alpha 3 has been released]]
- Test current slacko/spup, just for a taste. Run on different machines
Quirky is a testing Puppy for new ideas form Barry Kauler
At the moment **Spot** has had 3 pre-alphas. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**
[[ Spup Alpha 2 has been released]]
- Test current slacko/spup, just for a taste

Revision [16820]

Edited on 2011-07-17 19:46:34 by CrustyLobster [Spup Alpha 2 has been released]
the next cutting edge version of Puppy after Lucid ([[puppy526 = Puppy 526]] bug fixed Lucid 525)
[[ Wary]] is a conservative design for older hardware from Barry Kauler
[[puppy6 Saluki]] from Jemimah - Puppy rewrite (currently awaiting a kernel base))
and likely have support for tablet, phone and touch features and possible Woof Android
At the moment **Spot** has had 3 pre-alphas. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**
[[ Spup Alpha 2 has been released]]
Spot is given the development name **slacko** or spup with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
- Test current slacko/spup, just for a taste
- Decide what icon layout is best. Maybe someone can hack something together for small screens?
the next cutting edge version of Puppy after Lucid (Puppy 5.2)
Wary is a conservative design for older hardware from Barry Kauler
Saluki from Jemimah - Puppy rewrite (currently awaiting a kernel base))
and likely have support for tablet, phone and touch features
At the moment **Spot** is in pre-alpha. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**
Spot is given the development name **slacko** with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
- Test current slacko, just for a taste
- Decide what icon layout is best.. maybe someone can hack something together for small screens

Revision [16795]

Edited on 2011-07-17 02:04:43 by CrustyLobster [Spot is given the development name **slacko**]
At the moment **Spot** is in pre-alpha. It has a Slackware base and we call this an **Spup**
Spot is given the development name **slacko** with numbers dependent on kernel and version number
- Test current slacko, just for a taste
- Recompile heaps of stuff
- Fix guis for small screens
- Decide what icon layout is best.. maybe someone can hack something together for small screens
- Translate... no need to reinvent the wheel here, many of shinobar's wary quickset programs will fit right in
- Test and suggest cloud links and send to sszindian
At the moment Spot is in pre-alpha. It has a Slackware base and we call this an Spup
When you download a test ISO several of which have been released for early adopters,
an Spup is given the development name 'slacko' with numbers dependent on kernel and versioning.
- Test current spup, just for a taste
- recompile heaps of stuff
- fix guis for small screens
- decide what icon layout is best.. maybe someone can hack something together for small screens
- translate... no need to reinvent the wheel here, many of shinobar's wary quickset programs will fit right in

Revision [15126]

Edited on 2011-06-03 02:03:10 by CrustyLobster [What about the name?]
== Nooby asks 'What is Spot'? ==
Spot is the code name for Puppy 5.3
the next cutting edge version of Puppy after Lucid (Puppy 5.2)
== How does this fit in with other Puppy versions? ==
Wary is a conservative design for older hardware from Barry Kauler
Quirky is a testing Puppy for new ideas form Barry Kauler

Dpup (Puppy + Debian) was designated as Puppy 6
and has recently been revived by Dejan555

Saluki from Jemimah - Puppy rewrite (currently awaiting a kernel base))
is likely to move up to Puppy 7 when it gets off the ground

Puppy 8 is likely to offer Intel, ARM and 64 bit versions
and likely have support for tablet, phone and touch features
== What about the name? ==
At the moment Spot is in pre-alpha. It has a Slackware base and we call this an Spup
Spot uses both Puppy scripts and programs using the Woof or woofy development system to create a Puppy
When you download a test ISO several of which have been released for early adopters,
an Spup is given the development name 'slacko' with numbers dependent on kernel and versioning.
''Help the development of the next Puppy now''
- fix quickpet for spup (maybe rename to slickpet)

Revision [14610]

Edited on 2011-05-20 23:52:24 by CrustyLobster [suggestion forum thread]
- Do you know ISO's can be burnt to CD-RW or DVD-RW? //So now you can boot and text reports to the [[ forum]]//
- [[ Sort through the various suggestion forum threads]] and sort out the various suggestions into a new thread and maintain the status in the first thread in concise terms (note - you may want to reply to it a couple of times to reserve the top 3 or so posts)
- Do you know ISO's can be burnt to CD-RW or DVD-RW? //So now you can boot and text reports to the forum//

Revision [14605]

Edited on 2011-05-19 22:57:07 by CrustyLobster [Help set up a package site]
- [[ Help set up a package site]]

Revision [14588]

Edited on 2011-05-19 03:02:51 by CrustyLobster [spot art]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
[[Puppy53 Main Spot page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]] | [[ArtSpot Art for Spot]]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}
[[Puppy53 Main Spot page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]]

Revision [14583]

Edited on 2011-05-18 19:05:42 by CrustyLobster [image]
''Help the development of the next Puppy now''
{{image url="" title="Next Puppy" alt="Next Puppy" link=""}}
@@{{image class="center" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}@@
''Want to help the development of the Next Puppy?''
@@{{image class="center" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}@@

Revision [14561]

Edited on 2011-05-07 01:46:01 by CrustyLobster [logo base]
@@{{image class="center" alt="Pet logo" title="small and fast puppy" url="" link=""}}@@

Revision [14550]

Edited on 2011-05-05 03:33:36 by CrustyLobster [image added]
{{image url="" title="logo" alt="logo"}}

Revision [14549]

Edited on 2011-05-05 03:26:41 by CrustyLobster [Want to help the development of the Next Puppy?]
[[Puppy53 Main Spot page]] | [[Puppy53Developers Developers]] | [[NoobHelp New Developers]]
''Want to help the development of the Next Puppy?''
**Absolute noobs**
Want to help the development of the Next Puppy?
Absolute noobs

Revision [14545]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-05-05 03:14:36 by CrustyLobster [Want to help the development of the Next Puppy?]
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