Revision [19136]
This is an old revision of NoobHelp made by CrustyLobster on 2011-10-25 05:19:14.

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Slacko 5.3 is now our recommended "first stop" for all newcomers. Try Slacko!
Barry Kauler
Getting Started
Ok let's get Puppy . . .
- Move any essential files to storage media eg. backup bookmarks
InstallationIndex Download and burn the ISO (make sure you know how to do this)
Boot and run from CD/DVD
Now first run:
- If you have previous other versions of Puppy it is a good idea to type 'puppy pfix=ram' at the initial boot:
I do this because I will have a previous save file and do not want to boot with that config
- Use Probe and other settings, wizards
- Turn on firewall from icon bar bottom right (right click for options)
- You could do a reboot now to save your settings or you might install to hard disk
- In Rox options/thumbnails/show images
- Add your backgrounds from Hard drive (usr/share/backgrounds)
Absolute noobs
- Educate yourself by using the IRC platform, wiki and reading the forum
- Create logos, other artwork.