Revision [14361]
This is an old revision of Puppy53 made by CrustyLobster on 2011-04-26 02:00:45.
![slackware Slackware Logo](
What I envision is a stable puppy based on the latest Slackware-13.37 (due any day now) optimised for size and speed which can run on an old clunker (say a p3 600, 256 RAM) and the latest 64 bit arch machines, while supporting a wide range of internal and peripheral hardware Mick Amadio
Micks Spup Forum thread
Forum thread 1
Forum thread 2
Mick Amadio (01mick - main support developer on Lucid) Unconfirmed Chief Developer
Jay (puppyLuvr) - Compiling something...A cute GUI...backgrounds and icons...themes
Ttuuxxx I would be willing to support this release ... should be almost 100% compatible and about 10% smaller
Nooby, dejan555 - testing
Iguleder - ideas and creativity ... maybe some packages and code
sc0ttman - a few GUIs, make a few PETs, testing, etc...
Lobster - promotion/publicity
Ian Milgrew - I would love to support Puppy 5.3 so just let me know how I can help and I'll do the best that I can.
Scsijon - You can add me in somewhere, testing, those few apps I 'package', a spare site to host the alphas/betas to spread the load, anything else I can do.
Playdayz - I have already helped Mick by making a slackware pet for the ATI Catalyst driver, and I will help in the process as a tester.
TubeGuy - Logo idea, need feedback!
To Do
- test current spup, just for a taste
- drum up support using PM, IRC
- create logo (first logo created by Tubeguy - see top of page)
- develop wiki page (that is this one) UsingThisWiki register with raffy for access if planning to contribute to wiki
- Open invitation/dialogue with Slackware developers
- Develop Bacon and scripting skills
Time Line
- Barry Kauler approval
- pre alpha ready at least a week after Patrick releases Slackware 13.37 (currently at RC4 status
- First Alpha release aprox. 30 April 2011
- create and host bug tracker will be set up as Mick as main admin itrack-bug-tracker
Promotional video
Promotional video 2
Audio Pawedcast
ogg format aprox. 3MB better quality
MP3 format aprox. 3MB
- Built from latest Spup Woof (Slackware compatibility)
- Min spec P3 600 with 256 RAM
- 32bit and 64bit versions
- Goal of under 100MB ISO using xz compression built into 2.6.8 series kernels, with "200 line patch"
- Porteus module compatibility
- Seamonkey and xchat IRC chat included
- KDE Trinity support as module
- Gettext being used in all GUI scripts for internationalization
- Bug tracking
- Quickpet and other programs updated as provided
- Most secure Puppy ever.
- If possible, Firewall on by default
- Browser run as spot (non root running)
- Security dialogue on first booting, education rather than FUD, unmounting, benefits of encryption, use of passwords, running from DVD benefits etc.
- Panic button, disconnect from internet
- Enhanced snapshot by radky
- Automatic 'personal storage file growth'/movement into a swap file
- Sorting out Browser/Flash incompatibilities on AMD dual core processors
- More than 6 SFS available
- Menu Simplification - menu systems all need to be dragged up-to-date, such as giving the ability to drag application items between menu groups, create new groups, and hide groups not generally used until 'a menu spot is touched' or a new pet requiring that default group.
- An actual Recycle Bin. Deleted files go automatically to the Recycle Bin, which can be emptied. People expect this--numerous times in Puppy I have seen my mistake right after hitting Delete.
- An Audio Control Panel. It should let me select which of my cards will be Default--and change that easily. It should also contain a nicer mixer--retrovol works, and alsmixergui works, but better looking, more intuitive apps. Because my M-Audio card is controlled through alsamixer my wife encountered it the other night and my Puppy work lost some credibility around this house Wink This is another thing people have come to expect.
- One Application per function by default
- All applications on install give you the option of an on screen shortcut
- On screen info messages with close button rather than timer eg. initial boot up message
- A ppm userset directory (?defaults to /root/pets) and matching auto-indexing ppm entry point that users can place pets from other sources into and install / remove via the ppm.
- As in Lucid, boot to desktop, quickset, browser installer (for alternatives to Seamonkey) and quickpet