Revision [14554]

This is an old revision of Puppy53Developers made by CrustyLobster on 2011-05-05 05:22:42.


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Things to test

Developers NoobHelp New Developers/testers click here
Mick Amadio - Chief Developer (01micko - main support developer on Lucid)
Jay (puppyLuvr) - Compiling something ... A cute GUI ... backgrounds and icons...themes
Ttuuxxx I would be willing to support this release ... should be almost 100% compatible and about 10% smaller
Nooby, dejan555, Tasgarth, withoutpity, wuwei, Stripe, James C, aarf, rcrsn51, dawnsboy, peebee, bigpup, 8-bit - testing
Iguleder - ideas and creativity ... maybe some packages and code
sc0ttman - a few GUIs, make a few PETs, testing, etc...
Lobster - promotion/publicity
Ian Milgrew - I would love to support Puppy 5.3 so just let me know how I can help and I'll do the best that I can.
Scsijon - You can add me in somewhere, testing, those few apps I 'package', a spare site to host the alphas/betas to spread the load, anything else I can do.
Playdayz - I have already helped Mick by making a slackware pet for the ATI Catalyst driver, and I will help in the process as a tester.
TubeGuy - Logo idea, need feedback!
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