Revision [32352]

This is an old revision of Puppy9 made by lobster on 2019-06-05 12:52:57.


New Super Puptext

Code Name: Puppy 'K9'

PuppyDpupStretch CE 8.1 Dpup Stretch announced
Puppy 8.1 codename Stir Fry is based on Dpup Stretch
That is it combines Puppy efficient programs
with 32bit (also runs on 64 bit computers) Debian Stretch packages
using the Woof-CE (community Edition construction methodology)

Kernel options
• k4.1.48-i686-pae for legacy hardware
• k4.9.149-i686-pae for recent hardware

stretch-7.5-uefi-k4.1.48.iso (10-Jan-2019)
md5: 61dbb12e98d909830aafb561caf28c86

stretch-7.5-uefi-k4.9.149.iso (10-Jan-2019)
md5: f0e1be0bb0920f46a291e34b8de35671

PaleMoon Browser
UEFI and non EUFI Bios support

Peasy Disc 8.1 CD and DVD burner
Pup advert Blocker
Pup snap screenshots
weX audio, video recorder
pMusic Radio streamer

Small. Bigger on the Inside.

Sadly the Forum can not conveniently allow a poll for 8.1 - the below poll gone
Debian, Slackware or Other for StirFry poll
8.1 Codename Puppy 'Stir Fry' announced

Help required:
More potentials (see below) required. Know any?

64 Bit, 32 Bit, ARM (Raspberry Pi version)
EasyDD and other ports from EasyOS, FatDog and derivatives
Remove menu - "right click to add/delete/create folder"
How possible in coding terms is it to have Menu styles?
eg: Noob, Geek, Programmer, General use, Minimalist, Everything etc?
Updater for bug fixes
Extended Quickpet
Help Desk/Guides/sponser a Noob (perhaps using Puppy Phone/email)

32bit, 64bit Slackware base, WoofCE built
32bit, 64bit, WoofCE built with Ubuntu base packages
32bit, 64bit, WoofCE, Slackware packages compatible
32bit, WoofCE built Debian base packages
Devuan base, Debian derivative
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