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HomePage > PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version > Puppy1

Puppy 1 Index

Originally released in 2005.

Versions include:

Puppy 1CodenameReleased
1.00 - March 29, 2005
1.01 - April 11, 2005
1.02 - May 17, 2005
1.03 Pup In Boots June 09, 2005
1.04 included Barebones July 19, 2005
1.05 Krazy September 27, 2005
1.06 Sizzler November 07, 2005
1.07 Tardis ("It's bigger on the inside", just like Puppy) December 30, 2005
1.08 Singer February 2, 2006
Puppy109CE 1.09CE - May 18, 2006, First Community Edition
1.10 Phoenix Never released

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