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2024-07-19 (Friday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
20:54:23 Lobster CrustyLobster
The PM on the old forum will no longer work, John died. I no longer use this email - in fact I have been blocked for 'secu…
20:48:55 Lobster CrustyLobster
hi jon/darkcity I am on the wiki with the name CrustyLobster but remember nothing about this footer thing ... ? lobster
20:41:49 TemplateUser CrustyLobster
gosh - after much searching I find my password but can not access my default name of 'Lobster' to update "A foote…
2023-01-20 (Friday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
07:47:04 LegacyOS
LegacyOS 2023 iso (on Jan/20/2023) Username/Password is demo/demo with lower case D not upper case. Thank you for the work, …
2022-08-29 (Monday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
11:22:19 remmina vtpup
Remmina is a client application for making remote desktop connections or file transfers though RDP, SSH, SFTP, or VNC. It'…
2022-03-22 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
23:45:55 Buildsystems Darry
Kennel Linux:…
23:45:55 Buildsystems Darry
Kennel Linux:…
2019-11-19 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
20:01:33 firefox
installing new firefox by belham2…
2019-10-01 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
20:46:03 make darkcity
Hi CoolPup, Why did you strip out the small bit of text that explained what the program is for? http://wikka.puppylinux…
2019-08-07 (Wednesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
19:49:13 remastering
Thanks alot. I have quickly just recreated a bootable iso using pre-extracted files lying on my hard drive. which i can burn …
2019-03-28 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
23:43:07 LegacyOS
Sourceforge will automatically choose the last ISO, Program or Application uploaded. Instead of clicking "Download"…
2019-02-17 (Sunday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
11:24:05 LegacyOS
Hello, I don't know why but no matter what browser I try, I end up downloading SeaMonkey.exe instead of an iso image for Lega…
2018-06-09 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
16:29:11 grep Darry
A full explanation of what grep is. grep searches input files for lines containing a match to a given pattern list. When it …
2018-05-15 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
01:12:04 PaleMoon Darry
If you have an older Puppy like Puppy 4 forum member Watchdog has these .pets which contain the necessary glibc to run Palemo…
2018-03-11 (Sunday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
15:30:09 friTTe darkcity
Welcome to the Puppy community : -)
2018-03-10 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
08:25:21 Saluki darkcity
I've added a wikilink to Fluppy and replace saluki-linux link with an archive link.
2017-12-30 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
01:24:27 Saluki s243a
I also think that we should link on this page to the developers previous project: and …
01:08:52 Saluki s243a
I should also add that I'm not sure that the links work anymore so maybe they should be flagged as br…
01:03:48 Saluki s243a
One should add to this Puppy that is based on "Racy 5.2 with Xfce". The page seems locked so I can't edit it.
2017-09-04 (Monday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
17:44:03 darkcity
yes that looks like the right place for it
2017-08-17 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
10:07:40 darkcity darkcity
I've added here. Is it Quirky Puppy - or a new version that's not related?…
10:04:54 darkcity darkcity
Glad Puppy is working for you : -)
2017-08-12 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
12:38:54 JavaRuntimeEnvironment
sometimes you have to symlink the zulu installed java into eg. /usr/bin/
12:34:53 JavaRuntimeEnvironment has current 8u144.deb which will click install into the puppys i use that pag…
12:29:12 PuppyVersion
xenialpup64-7085 is the puppy of my choice has been for months
2017-07-27 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
13:12:37 python
Tengo slako pupy instalado, por defecto tiene python 2 instalado, pero cuando ejecutó python en el emulador de consola, me d…
2017-06-29 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
06:26:27 JavaRuntimeEnvironment
You should see at the bottom of the page, before a ''new comment'' button There are no comments on this page. On some p…
2017-05-06 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
07:29:40 darkcity
darkcity perhaps you can add this link to suitable pages cant find a suitable p…
2017-04-14 (Friday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
19:19:07 wine
2017-03-31 (Friday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
06:18:14 JavaRuntimeEnvironment
wikka comment: can only comment on pages that have already been commented on, cant see a link to comment on pages that haven…
2016-11-19 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
22:25:05 darkcity
Just would like to comment, I have been fumbling around with 5.2.8 slacko, the first tries at installing!! thanks You tube. T…
2016-10-24 (Monday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
01:39:55 hostname s243a
I'm not sure what host names have to do with ROX unless we are using it with a media server but I'm leaving the link now unti…
01:10:57 network s243a
If this isn't an official page we should at least make a note of why these links are here? Is it a TODO list for the wiki and…
2016-09-27 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
05:39:21 PuppyLinuxSearchEngine friTTe
Noticed links that are dead, can we remove them or how does it work?
2016-09-15 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
06:41:08 libflashplayer
slacko64_21549 Ha! for 64 bit puppy, put flash plugin from adobe here: /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/ lib64…
2016-09-11 (Sunday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
07:18:42 AppsDesktop darkcity
On second thoughts don't : -)
2016-08-22 (Monday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
06:45:58 LegacyOS darkcity
Legacy OS can be downloaded here:
2016-08-20 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
16:40:11 LegacyOS
Is there a download button here that I missed? I clicked on all the images & text, but can't find the download!
2016-08-13 (Saturday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
11:10:30 JavaRuntimeEnvironment
zulu 8u102 into fatdog64-710a see…
2016-08-09 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
08:30:39 JavaRuntimeEnvironment darkcity is temporally down, I've update the page to reflect that. Hopefully one of the workin…
2016-08-04 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
22:39:06 JavaRuntimeEnvironment
Website not working of
2016-07-13 (Wednesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
09:17:42 LegacyOS
Hello fuck me, all 6 default card games work as expected. If you decide to install non approved Legacy OS Applications and th…
2016-07-07 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
11:27:45 LegacyOS
Maybe ask here:
2016-07-06 (Wednesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
15:24:36 LegacyOS
linux 64 card game no loead missing file what the fuck. 20 minutes to download game install ya oh my f god . fix download in…
2016-05-19 (Thursday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
07:59:47 OpenSSH darkcity
updated - the link now contains a .pet - however it may be best to ask on the forum for a more up-to-date package
07:29:53 software darkcity
the program will have a command to execute it. what program are you trying to install? often programs have an entry in …
2016-05-17 (Tuesday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
19:23:53 software
after installing a .pet, it always says that it isnt going to show up in the menu. how do i find it?
2016-05-16 (Monday)
Time Page User
Content (summary)
20:27:19 OpenSSH
and also the other link wont load
20:25:26 OpenSSH
on the client and server package thread where is the download link?????????
08:36:12 PuppyVersionDevelopment darkcity
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