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Slacko Tips

Do I need the PAE version?
slacko-5.3.3 - most users
PAE slacko - those with post 2006 computers or 4GB or more of RAM

Is there an exe to help installing directly from MS Windows?

How do I use a roll up a window?
Placing the mouse cursor on the top window bar and vertical scrolling up or down shades/unshades the window!

How do I use a pic on the desktop?
Right-click on lock (top right of desktop)
select backdrop
drag and drop an image

For permanent images add images to /usr/share/backgrounds
and use Menu / Desktop / Nathan Wallpaper setter

Can I zoom in and out using the browser?
Got a mouse-wheel?
In the enclosed browser (Seamonkey 2.4.1)
goto the pull down menu and select
Now change to zoom in and out

Hey my Internet is not connected?
Not using Ethernet?
Click on the connect icon
Follow the instructions

Which browser should I use?
Slacko has the Seamonkey browser built in, includes an HTML editor and Email client
Extra downloads include stable and Beta release Browsers
Opera - small and efficient with email client
Chrome - still being optimised but cutting edge

What extra software do I need?
Probably none
Use Slickpet and Puppy Package manager for extra software

Should I customise?
Want compositing effects including drop shaddows to your windows? Add this line near the bottom of the hidden file /root/.xinitrc
xcompmgr -c -C &

so that the bottom of the file looks like this:
# rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/Puppypin

xcompmgr -c -C &

#v2.11 GuestToo suggested this improvement...
[ -x $CURRENTWM ] && exec $CURRENTWM
exec jwm


Re-start X for effects to start.

Do I need java?
Not usually but it is available in Slickpet
Most browsers already have javascript
(a different language)

How do I move programs between windows?
Right click on your program 'rectangle' in the icon bar (far left) and drag to the second window
Create up to 10 Windows with
Menu / Desktop / JMM configuration / tray management

How do I compile and develop in Puppy?
Use Devx. Go to SFS in Quickpet and click the button. Reboot.
You now have C, Bacon, Glade, Vala program languages and other development tools

How do I know what programs I have installed?
Use the package manager and notice the list of installed software
Be careful now - one click and they uninstall

What is this Puppy called?
It is called Puppy 5.3 or "Slacko"
During development the name Spot and Slacko were used for development ISO releases

Why does Puppy run as root?
Puppy users control their environment.
We are designed to load and run from USB or DVD (straight to desktop)
A root running live CD or DVD system remains MORE secure than an accessible and hackable hard disk install
We are not designed for multi-user deployment.
You can use menu/network/Growl for security tightening options

So technically, Puppy is dangerous?
Very. We bypass network security and firewalls
We can repair and edit other operating systems files such as Windows 7
bypassing administrator limitations
Recommended by security agencies as unhackable when running from DVD
Programs on the CD/DVD are never compromised.
With Puppy, comes great potential
in a small package

What about tech support?
Try us.
Puppy users are loyal because our forums, wikis, IRC,
blogs and web sites are constantly friendly, updated and improved

What about Thumbnails?
Thumbnails are turned off for speedy default. To turn them on:
Right-Click on an icon and choose Rox-Filer -> Options -> Thumbnails -> click box show image thumbnails

How can I optimise booting?
go to
Menu / System / Bootmanager configure bootup
(that is, right click on desktop or bottom left click)
then . . . Manage System Services
Use Help to sort out what to do

How do I turn a group of pets to custom sfs?

more tips
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