Revision [20562]

This is an old revision of WhatPuppyLinuxIsBestForYou made by its-me-again on 2012-02-09 23:01:42.


What puppy Linux is best for you.

There are many different puplets out there now built on different versions of puppy Linux. here are some things you may like to consider when choosing what is right for you. You need to know that what is the latest current version may not be the best choice for you.

Before reading further you may also want to read about the different ways to install puppy linux. Ways to install puppy. (note that also there is now a pup_save.3fs file which contains an uncompressed ext3 file system).

First you need to look at your computer specifications. How much ram and your CPU speed. These things are a big factor in determining what puplet you should choose. If you have a very A good choice is turbo pup as it small and fast. So try the last version or an earlier one.
For newer computers try
for specialised hardpare
Other puppy os

Once you have determined the best puppy OS to us you should consider what you use your computer for and what your needs are. This will determine what you need to install on top of the default apps. eg basic emailing, looking up websites like facebook, youtube, chatting online, and other general Internet use and creating documents, editing photos etc.

there are different ways to install puppy

The size of your hard drive is not usually a problem for puppy Linux, neither is the flash drive size but the save file size (frugal install) you intend to use maybe. Mostly with the save file you will not need more than 1-2GB but remember if you are installing puppy Linux on a flash drive that has a fat32 file system due to the limitations of fat 32 you can't save more than a 4GB save file. (Note that fat 32 is still good to use especially if you want to use the same flash drive to store you files on the go for access on any other computer.) It helps to have as little in the save file as you can. So what a lot of puppy users end up doing is saving things such as downloads, documents, music, photos etc, outside the save file, to hdd or a flash drive.
You may even find a puppy version designed for your specific computer make and model with the common drivers that are needed for it such as.

Have fun trying puppy
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