Revision [4543]
This is an old revision of Woof made by CrustyLobster on 2009-11-28 04:06:06.

HowTo Build a Custom Puppy with Woof
Woof is a script; that can download packages of some other GNU/Linux distribution, cut them right down to Puppy-size, then build a Puppy Linux live-CD/DVD - and do all of this totally automatically. The design of Woof is intended to be so flexible that packages from any distro can be processed. At the time of writing Woof is supporting Debian, Ubuntu, Slackware and Arch. Puppy can be built from whatever is the current one. Whenever there is a new release, all that Woof needs is the name of the release and Woof will then download all the packages and build a new Puppy Linux. It may take a couple of hours fixing some package names, but the idea is that in one day one has a brand new release of Puppy. The end result is Puppy Linux! That is one ends up with something that has the speed, compactness and all the ease-of-use features of Puppy Linux, with nothing sacrificed. Even building from Ubuntu packages, one gets a 99MB (or thereabouts) live-CD, a fast Puppy that runs in RAM, all of the Puppy applications and all of the tools and familiar desktop. Note that Woof currently only builds on a Puppy host system.
A personal, tiny, and very simple version control system for managing the Woof project:
"Future puppies
The Woof build system enables us to build Puppy from any distro's packages. I have released experimental builds of "Upup", Puppy built from Ubuntu Jaunty packages. What's the point? -- well, you get the tiny size (approx. 100MB live-CD) and wonderful speed of Puppy, a user interface and user experience that is totally Puppy, the full suite of applications and utilities as in any other Puppy, yet built from Ubuntu packages and able to install further packages from the Ubuntu repositories.
Other builds are active. Ttuuxxx (Jeff) and Gposil (Guy) are working on "Dpup", a Debian-based build, and Kirk is working on "Tpup", codenamed Fatdog2, a build from packages compiled in T2.
Upup Ubuntu Puppy
Dpup Debian Puppy
Spup Slackware Puppy
Tpup T2 Puppy
Apup Arch Puppy
Ppup Puppy Puppy
5.x features
* 5.x series .pet and SFS compatible across range
* New Kernel with two different compile versions
* Ubuntu shared software depository compatibility
* Woof Puppy Build System for developers
* FullerScreen Presentation software
* New Programming Language support (via devx) for Vala, Genie
* Puppy Browser written in Genie, used as an HTML help viewer
* Possible Puppy Database under development
* Puppy is starting the move to other processors:
PowerPup Puppy on the PowerPC Processor for Mac, ARMPup in development
Using the Woof Puppy builder, compatibility with other Linux distributions can be achieved (woofability)