Revision history for cdparanoia

Revision [18805]

Last edited on 2011-10-12 11:25:29 by coolpup
Dependencies: +[[bzip2]],+[[grep]],+[[tar]]
Creating files with, or converting files to, OGG format requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]].
Dependencies: +[[bzip2]],+[[grep]],+[[tar]],+[[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]

Revision [18804]

Edited on 2011-10-12 10:47:00 by coolpup

Revision [18803]

Edited on 2011-10-12 10:46:12 by coolpup
Dependencies: +[[bzip2]],+[[grep]],+[[tar]],+[[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]
Dependencies: +[[bzip2]],+[[grep]],+[[tar]],+**[[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]**

Revision [18802]

Edited on 2011-10-12 10:45:43 by coolpup
compact disc audio extraction
Source code:
Binary code:
//Cdparanoia// compact disc audio extraction
[[software Software package(s)]]:

Revision [17858]

Edited on 2011-09-05 09:50:17 by coolpup
//Cdparanoia// compact disc audio extraction
[[ Cdparanoia]] compact disc audio extraction

Revision [17857]

Edited on 2011-09-05 09:49:17 by coolpup
[[ Cdparanoia]] compact disc audio extraction
[[ Cdparanoia]] compact disc digital audio extraction

Revision [17856]

Edited on 2011-09-05 09:48:50 by coolpup
[[software Software package(s)]]:
**[[software Software package(s)]]**:

Revision [17855]

Edited on 2011-09-05 09:48:27 by coolpup
**[[software Software package(s)]]**:
**[[software software package(s)]]**

Revision [17854]

Edited on 2011-09-05 09:46:58 by coolpup
Dependencies: +[[bzip2]],+[[grep]],+[[tar]],+**[[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]**
Extract an entire ''audio (speech)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version:
Extract an entire ''audio (music)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version:
Extract an entire '''audio (speech)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions:
Extract an entire ''audio (music)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions:
Extract an entire ''audio (speech)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''audio (music)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire '''audio (speech)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''audio (music)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):

Revision [16337]

Edited on 2011-07-04 01:37:16 by coolpup

Revision [16336]

Edited on 2011-07-04 01:36:12 by coolpup

Revision [16335]

Edited on 2011-07-04 01:34:34 by coolpup
Extract an entire ''audio (speech)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''audio (music)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire '''audio (speech)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''audio (music)'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):

Revision [16236]

Edited on 2011-06-30 09:27:12 by coolpup
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires the latest available version of [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):

Revision [16234]

Edited on 2011-06-30 07:53:38 by coolpup
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a ''single WAV file'' and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as ''individually separate WAV files'' and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):

Revision [16232]

Edited on 2011-06-30 06:59:52 by coolpup
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''speech'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire ''music'' audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire music compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire speech audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire music audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):

Revision [16231]

Edited on 2011-06-30 06:58:53 by coolpup
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vsz "1-" singlefile.wav && oggenc -q 0 *.wav%%
Extract an entire music compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file and then create an [[ OGG]] file format version (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vsz "1-" singlefile.wav && oggenc -q 6 *.wav%%
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file:
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vsz "1-" singlefile.wav%%
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files:
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz%%

Revision [16230]

Edited on 2011-06-30 06:51:03 by coolpup

Revision [16229]

Edited on 2011-06-30 06:40:54 by coolpup

Revision [16228]

Edited on 2011-06-30 06:37:55 by coolpup
Extract an entire speech audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz && for i in *.wav; do oggenc -q 0 "$i"; done%%
Extract an entire music audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz && for i in *.wav; do oggenc -q 6 "$i"; done%%
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz && for i in *.wav; do oggenc "$i"; done%%

Revision [16227]

Edited on 2011-06-30 06:31:38 by coolpup
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created [[ OGG]] file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created OGG file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):

Revision [16213]

Edited on 2011-06-30 05:17:53 by coolpup
**[[software software package(s)]]**
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files and then from which are created OGG file format versions (requires [[vorbistools vorbis-tools]]):
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz && for i in *.wav; do oggenc "$i"; done%%

Revision [16170]

Edited on 2011-06-29 14:18:13 by coolpup

Revision [16166]

Edited on 2011-06-29 11:24:40 by coolpup
[[ Cdparanoia]] compact disc digital audio extraction
[[ Cdparanoia]] audio C.D. extraction

Revision [16165]

Edited on 2011-06-29 10:19:24 by coolpup
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vsz "1-" singlefile.wav%%
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vsz singlefile.wav%%

Revision [16164]

Edited on 2011-06-29 10:07:49 by coolpup
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as a single WAV file:
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio// as individually separate WAV files:
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio//, with all tracks as a single WAV file:
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio//, with each track as a separate WAV file:

Revision [16163]

Edited on 2011-06-29 10:05:30 by coolpup
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio//, with all tracks as a single WAV file:
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vsz singlefile.wav%%

Revision [16162]

Edited on 2011-06-29 09:56:17 by coolpup

Revision [16159]

Edited on 2011-06-29 09:33:34 by coolpup
Extract an entire audio compact disc to ///mnt/home/audio//, with each track as a separate WAV file:
Extract an entire audio compact disc, with each track as a separate WAV file:

Revision [16158]

Edited on 2011-06-29 09:32:59 by coolpup
%%mkdir -p /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz%%
%%mkdir /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz%%

Revision [16157]

Edited on 2011-06-29 09:25:20 by coolpup
%%mkdir /mnt/home/audio && cd /mnt/home/audio && cdparanoia -vBsz%%
%%cdparanoia -vBsz%%

Revision [16156]

Edited on 2011-06-29 09:12:45 by coolpup
%%cdparanoia -vBsz%%
%%cdparanoia -As && cdparanoia -vBsz%%

Revision [16153]

Edited on 2011-06-29 07:49:51 by coolpup
%%cdparanoia -As && cdparanoia -vBsz%%
%%cdparanoia -As && cdparanoia -Bsz%%

Revision [16152]

Edited on 2011-06-29 07:49:14 by coolpup
%%cdparanoia -As && cdparanoia -Bsz%%
%%cdparanoia -ABsz%%

Revision [16146]

Edited on 2011-06-29 07:23:58 by coolpup
[[ Cdparanoia]] audio C.D. extraction
Extract an entire audio compact disc, with each track as a separate WAV file:
[[ Cdparanoia]] audio CD digital audio extraction
Extract an entire audio compact disc, with each track as a separate file:

Revision [16145]

Edited on 2011-06-29 07:04:55 by coolpup
Extract an entire audio compact disc, with each track as a separate file:
%%cdparanoia -ABsz%%

Revision [16144]

Edited on 2011-06-29 06:19:58 by coolpup

Revision [16072]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-06-28 04:52:12 by coolpup
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