Revision history for desktop

Revision [22068]

Last edited on 2012-07-07 07:23:05 by darkcity
~**Desktop** can either refer generally to any part of the GUI or [[DesktopEnvironments desktop environment]], or more specifically to the area where the background image and [[DeskTopIcons desktop icons]] are (but that isn't covered by any windows).
~[[DeskTopIcons Desktop Icons]]
~[[Panels]] - AKA tray, dock
~[[PuppyMenu Puppy Menu]]
~[[VirtualDesktops Virtual Desktops]]
~**Desktop** can either refer generally to any part of the GUI or [[DesktopEnvironments desktop environment]], or more specifically to the area where the background image and desktop icons are (but that isn't covered by any windows).
~-[[PuppyMenu Puppy menu]]

Revision [22066]

Edited on 2012-07-07 07:16:40 by darkcity
~{{image url="" title="desktop" alt="desktop"}}
~{{image url="" title="desktop" alt="desktop"}}

Revision [22065]

Edited on 2012-07-07 07:13:57 by darkcity
==== Desktop ====
~**Desktop** can either refer generally to any part of the GUI or [[DesktopEnvironments desktop environment]], or more specifically to the area where the background image and desktop icons are (but that isn't covered by any windows).
~{{image url="" title="desktop" alt="desktop"}}
~-[[PuppyMenu Puppy menu]]
==== Puppy Menu ====
~Puppy's **menu** can be opened in 2 ways: through the "**Menu**" button on the //panel//'s left and by right-clicking the [[desktop]].
~{{image url="" title="menubutton" alt="menubutton"}}
~When the [[Desktop desktop]] is empty and few windows are opened, it is more convenient to open it by right-clicking the [[Desktop desktop]], because most if its area is free. However, when many windows are open, it is hard to find where to right-click it, so the button is more useful in such cases.
~{{image url="" title="menubutton" alt="menubutton"}}
~The **menu** is sorted by application categories. For instance, applications that deal with graphics are contained inside the "**Graphic**" sub-menu and internet-related applications can be found under "**Internet**".
~To start an application, enter its sub-menu by moving your mouse on it, then, click the application's name or icon once to start it.
~-[[MenuItems How to add and remove 'Puppy menu' items]]

Revision [22064]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2012-07-07 07:08:36 by darkcity
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