Revision history for dpup484

Revision [20867]

Last edited on 2012-02-28 16:11:39 by darkcity [format links]
- [[FirstRun First Boot Wizard]]
- [[RoxFiler ROX-Filer]] context menu for [[MD5sum MD5sum]] text file creation
- [[Firefox Firefox 3.6]]with ""ChatZilla"", Flashblock, Simple Mail & No-Script add-ons
- [[Parcellite Parcellite 0.9.2]] clipboard manager
- GtkLP Printer Management
- [[AbiWord AbiWord 2.8.0]] word processor; [[Gnumeric Gnumeric 1.8.3]] spreadsheet editor
==={{color text="Features" c="black"}}===
- First Boot Wizard
- ROX-Filer context menu for [[MD5sum MD5sum]] text file creation
==={{color text="Software" c="black"}}===
- Firefox 3.6 with ""ChatZilla"", Flashblock, Simple Mail & No-Script add-ons
- Parcellite 0.9.2 clipboard manager
- ""GtkLP"" Printer Management
- AbiWord 2.8.0 word processor; Gnumeric 1.8.3 spreadsheet editor

Revision [18322]

Edited on 2011-09-29 05:29:23 by darkcity [format links]
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}
{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}}

Revision [16725]

Edited on 2011-07-14 18:36:07 by darkcity [format links]

No Differences

Revision [16724]

Edited on 2011-07-14 18:34:43 by darkcity [format links]
[[Homepage]] > [[PuppyVersionIndex Puppy Version]]
====DPup 484====
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}
{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}}
==Also see==
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}}

Revision [15109]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:28:58 by coolpup [format links]
[[Woof Woof]] production using [[ Debian]] packages, developed by gposil.
[[Woof Woof]] production using [[ Debian]] packages.

Revision [15108]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:28:35 by coolpup [format links]

No Differences

Revision [15107]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:28:19 by coolpup [format links]
[[dpup485 dpup-485]] revision maintained by dejan555.
[[dpup485 dpup-485]] revision maintained by dejan333]]

Revision [15106]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:27:54 by coolpup [format links]
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}}
[[Woof Woof]] production using [[ Debian]] packages.
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}} [[Woof Woof]] production using [[ Debian]] packages.

Revision [15105]

Edited on 2011-05-30 13:27:25 by coolpup [format links]
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}} [[Woof Woof]] production using [[ Debian]] packages.
[[dpup485 dpup-485]] revision maintained by dejan333]]
{{image class="right" url="" title="Dpup screenshot" alt="Dpup screenshot" link=""}}{{image url="" title=" logo" alt=" logo" link=""}}
Puppy Linux built with[[ Debian]] packages using [[Woof Woof]].
=====[[ for latest Dpup news]] =====

Revision [14679]

Edited on 2011-05-23 07:05:46 by coolpup [format links]
Plus much more...and of course that great, liberating Puppy Linux experience.
{{image url="" title="Debian Puppy" alt="Debian Puppy"}}

Revision [14675]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-05-23 06:57:26 by coolpup [format links]
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