Revision history for gtkdialogDocTips9.3
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No Differences
====9.3 Understand the alignment====
==9.3 Understand the alignment==
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**How to change the gui without restarting the app**
Recent Gtkdialog allows to hide/show widgets, To hide many widgets at once, you can hide a ##<hbox>## or ##<vbox>##. This will hide all widgets inside the box.
Another approach is to use the notebook attributes ##<notebook show-tabs="false" show-border="false">##. Using several tabs in a notebook with hidden header, we can simulate a gui re-render. The only thing that is happening is that we switch tab, but since the user can't see those, he will be fooled...
More info at [[]].
**Control the icon/label of menuitems**
If you have met problems to show a certain icon and at the same time give it an unique label, this will illustrate how it is recommended to be implemented for the benefit of anyone and everyone.
<menuitem stock="gtk-undo" label="'$LOC118'" accel-key="0x07a" accel-mods="4">
<action>. '$APPDIR'/func -undo</action>
Doing it this way makes GTK+ deal with the left-to-right and right-to-left internationalisation of the icons if applicable. You might think this won't work because GTK+ will make a stock label "__U__ndo", and it will. But, straight afterwards it will update the label with ##$LOC118##. Because it initially was a stock label, ##use-underline## is automatically set to true, and you can use underscores in your custom text.
**Understand the alignment**
**Insert empty gap**
~##<text width-chars="40" height-request="120"><label>" "</label></text>##
(align one button to the left, another to the right)
<hbox space-expand="false" space-fill="false">
<button yes></button>
<hbox space-expand="true" space-fill="true"><text><label>" "</label></text></hbox>
<button no></button>
**Window header icon**
You can add your own icon (symlinks also work) if you place it in a gtk-theme directory structure as ##/usr/share/icons/hicolor/##. ie. ##/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/games48.png##
Now, run this command in the terminal to refresh the icon cache;
~##gtk-update-icon-cache -f -i /usr/share/icons/hicolor##
Your gtkdialog code would look like this;
~##<window title="A GTKDialog" icon-name="games48" resizable="false" decorated="true">##