Revision [32933]

This is an old revision of gtkdialogDocTips9.3 made by zigbert on 2020-07-31 03:16:56.


HomePage > SoftwareIndex Software Index > SoftwareDevelopment Development > gtkdialog gtkdialog > gtkdialogDocTips Tips and Tricks

9.3 Understand the alignment

Gtkdialog tends to align objects to the right side of the window. Exceptions are radiobuttons and checkboxes which are aligned to the left. It is easy to center whatever object in your gui. Here's some alignment explanation:

Using vertical rows can be troublesome, because often, the label defines the width of the objects. This leads to different width and it all looks crappy. You can override this by the attribute <vbox width-request="x">...</vbox>, where x represent the number of pixels for the width of the row. There is also a height-request attribute.

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