Revision [15163]

This is an old revision of md5sum made by coolpup on 2011-06-05 08:04:37.


MD5 refers to the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm. MD5 hashes are often used to check if a file downloaded correctly, if the MD5 hashes are different, then the file is corrupted or a different version. A MD5 hash (or checksum) is typically a 32-character hexadecimal number that can result from running the md5sum program against a particular file. Since any difference between two files results in two different values, MD5 values can be used to determine that the file (e.g. puppy-release.iso) you downloaded is an exact copy of the original file. The file with the MD5 value usually has the same name as the file you downloaded, but it ends with an additional .md5 and/or .txt extension (e.g. puppy-release.iso.md5.txt).

Note: An MD5 check is not necessary when using the BitTorrent protocol.

How to use

  1. In Puppy or Linux go to the directory where the iso is located.
  1. Open a console there (in Puppy right click Window / Terminal here)
  1. Type in md5sum name_of_file.iso
  1. Press return

something will appear:
# md5sum pup-430-small.iso
5971d2ace9760931de7b9f4b34ffd3ca  pup-430-small.iso

which you can compare with the md5sum usually provided in a text file or where you downloaded - they should match. If not you have a faulty/incomplete download.

MD5sums for Windows

MD5sums for all versions of Windows.

If you're using DOS or DOS-based versions of Windows (Windows 95, 98 & ME included) you can use this MS-DOS compatible application (only 48K): md5sum.exe. Right-click on the file name and save it to the folder that your downloaded file is in.

Making a CheckSum

If you intend to distribute an ISO then create an MD5 checksum file using the standard command line utility:

Type: md5sum puppy-puplet.iso > puppy-puplet.iso.md5

For more see the md5sum documentation.

See also: sha1sum
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