Revision history for meeting30May2010Text

Revision [22999]

Last edited on 2012-08-05 18:36:51 by darkcity [[[HomePage]] > [[Community Community and Organisat]
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Revision [7561]

Edited on 2010-05-30 14:51:40 by CrustyLobster [names added]
in the below stream CrustyLobster2 is the only
name used by CrustyLobster (wiki name) aka Lobster (forum name)
Other people were also intimated
in the below stream CrustyLobster2 is the only name I used

Revision [7553]

Edited on 2010-05-30 04:51:56 by CrustyLobster [names added]
in the below stream CrustyLobster2 is the only name I used
I have now registered the name like so

/nick mynickname

/REGISTER <password> <email>

//you will then get an email//

In order to complete your registration, you must send the following
command on IRC:
/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER mynickname esdfsdfsdyigh

Revision [7552]

Edited on 2010-05-30 03:23:59 by CrustyLobster [complete text]
* You are now known as ttuuxxx
-NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
<k3hrn-thom> all one of them has to do is step up and agree to moderate it
* nikmaq ( has left #puppylinux
<OverDrive> Yep, your right except for this meeting
<Lobster> lets start the meeting
* pupuserd3e2c9 ( has left #puppylinux
<Bloodhound> k3hrn-thom, meetings have traditionally be held in #puppylinux-foundation
<WhoDo2> Ty
<ttuuxxx> hi Guys
<amish> Don't wait until 0400z
<amish> Jump the gun
<WhoDo2> Hi Jeff
<amish> Like Puppy releases
<gnz11> just log it
* pupusera7704d ( has joined #puppylinux
<ttuuxxx> hi warren nice to see ya here
<amish> ttuuxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
* pupusera7704d ( has left #puppylinux
<ttuuxxx> hi amish
* scsijon (~scsijon@ has joined #puppylinux
* Dark_Fire ( has joined #puppylinux
<WhoDo2> Ed, close enough is good enough when it comes to a meeting time.
<amish> ttuuxxx How are the remedial grammar classes coming along?
* Dark_Fire has quit (Client Quit)
<ttuuxxx> ok well this is my first attendance at a puppy meeting so I'll sit back and join in when its time, until I get a feel for it
<gnz11> if bodies in the romm , do it now
<gnz11> room
* barryk (~ae78f812@gateway/web/freenode/x-bbbujwgguqlpjxbl) has joined #puppylinux
<OverDrive> same here ttuuxxx
<WhoDo2> Hi boss
<barryk> Hello friends.
<ttuuxxx> Hi Barry K
* Xethron ( has joined #puppylinux
<barryk> hi Jeff!
<OverDrive> hi barryk
<barryk> Warren
<barryk> hi
<Xethron> am I late?
<micko01> hello all
<Lobster> hello barryk
<barryk> Hello Ed
<WhoDo2> Hello micko
<scsijon> good morning ,afternoon, evening, night all. Hope my bits on the discussion topic didn't sound too stuffy. I'm just a bit worried that puppy is getting off the road.
<ttuuxxx> hi Micko
* mgl22 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Xethron> Where is the meething gonne be held?
<micko01> hja jeff
<WhoDo2> Here and now Xethron
<Xethron> lol sweet
<Xethron> Just woke up...
<gnz11> get the coffee
<barryk> Lobster: Could we please start this meeting with a moment of silence for the dearly departed Gary Coleman?
<Lobster> barryk: That would be a grand idea.
<Bloodhound> o-0
<ttuuxxx> also Dennis Hopper died yesterday
<Xethron> My alarm went off and I was like... this is wrong... turnded around and slept further... 10 minutes later O CRAP
<Lobster> it is a sad day in Hollywood, and a very sad day for the fans
<k3hrn-thom> I thought this was about Puppy
* Bloodhound has never heard of Gary Coleman
<Lobster> Bloodhound: He created the Mac OS
* pupusera0aac0 (~pupusera0@ has joined #puppylinux
<gnz11> what you talkin bout bloodhound
<Xethron> o wow
<ttuuxxx> Gary Coleman <--- little african American in Different Strokes
* pupusera0aac0 is now known as raffy
<k3hrn-thom> did he use Puppy?
<gnz11> and more recent fame as bad behave child start
<Bloodhound> gnz11, umm... what was not clear?
<k3hrn-thom> Is there a Gary Coleman puplet?
<raffy> nick raffy-here
<gnz11> k3hrn-thom that is a band nem
<WhoDo2> Time being wasted here people .... Hi raffy
* raffy is now known as raffy-here
<Bloodhound> gnz11, i said i never heard about any Gary Coleman...
<raffy-here> hello all
<gnz11> nvm
<amish> Rumor has it that Gary Coleman used Ubuntu IRL
<k3hrn-thom> Heh
<amish> AND he was a regular in #ubuntu
<k3hrn-thom> Who cares?
<Xethron> lol
<OverDrive> Um, this is looking like trol city
<amish> Though with a pseudonym
* pupuser3e6843 ( has joined #puppylinux
<WhoDo2> 5 mins to quit time for me
<Xethron> well if ubuntu is missing someone now... then we know
<Lobster> Anyhow, lets get on with the pressing matters.
<ttuuxxx> yes lobster I agree
<Xethron> Agreed
<amish> I have a shirt that needs pressing.
<k3hrn-thom> Thanks Lobster
<OverDrive> yes lets
<Lobster> Your welcome.
<raffy-here> good Lobster is here, we will have a permanent Chair:)
<Bloodhound> pressing bladders?
* pupuseraa8024 ( has joined #puppylinux
<k3hrn-thom> I have a question to pose to the devs
<raffy-here> Anyway, conrats to playdayz and micko for Puppy5
* pupuseraa8024 ( has left #puppylinux
<micko01> ty raffy
<Lobster> k3hrn-thom: Please, let's hear the question.
<raffy-here> and thanks as always to BarryK
<k3hrn-thom> Would you give us a status on projects that are unfinished...and your estimation of completion date
<raffy-here> Since Puppy5 and the last release DeepThought are in the agenda, let's hear it from micko/playdayz/whodo
<k3hrn-thom> Perhaps someone would be kind enough to post the agenda
<raffy-here> hoghts/updates about Puppy5/6
<gnz11> raffy i thought deep thought was 421
<amish> gnz11: You're out of order.
<raffy-here> yes, the lst community release b4 puppy5
* s0nnyblaq ( has joined #puppylinux
<WhoDo2> Q was about incomplete releases i.e. 4.4x ? Technosaurus isn't with us AFAIK
<WhoDo2> May I explain release strategies so BarryK et al can agree or disagree?
<raffy-here> 1st discussion is about releases, so insights about 4.4 are ok
<raffy-here> ok
<Xethron> I agree with k3hrn-thom, where is the agenda?
<jemimah> agenda:
<WhoDo2> 4.x series is the continuation of Tpup (built with Woof) - not built around binary compatability with any other distro
<pupdude> Thank you jemimah
<WhoDo2> 5.x series is built around binary compatability with other distro's for access to repos.
<WhoDo2> 6.x series would be the next generation of Tpup i.e. Puppy only build.
* pupuser22c270 (~pupuser22@ has joined #puppylinux
<Bloodhound> phew
<pupuser22c270> grattins for Argentina for all
<WhoDo2> ttuuxxx suggested it should be built again from scratch as was 4.3x
<WhoDo2> Any questions, disagreement so far?
* pupuser164620 ( has joined #puppylinux
* pupuser164620 ( has left #puppylinux
<gnz11> no 2 years is a bit of time for a base change. sonds llike a good idea
<Xethron> thanks jemimah
* pupuserabacab ( has joined #puppylinux
<Lobster> I strongly agree with ttuuxxx. Rebuild from scratch.
<ttuuxxx> I do suggest that Series 6 should be compiled from scratch Like 2 series was, To bring the size back down to 100MB
<Bloodhound> even 100 is much
<Bloodhound> 2.01 was 69
* pupuser22c270 (~pupuser22@ has left #puppylinux
<ralphv> and lets use ext3 pup saves, too. ext2 pup saves have errors in them after a proper shutdown
<gnz11> 100m is a good number for balance of software
<k3hrn-thom> suggestion?
<ttuuxxx> maybe use a older kernel say from series 4.0 and xorg from series 4 and the rest of the apps the latest current ones
<WhoDo2> Thinking is that odd series numbers = binary compatability, even series = Puppy built plain
* runtt21 ( has joined #puppylinux
<Bloodhound> gnz11, its not about a nice "number" its about what fits into RAM of older pc's
* pupuser25ec74 ( has joined #puppylinux
<micko01> not a bad idea Warren
<raffy-here> having 5.x for binary comptiblity experiement looks good
<Bloodhound> WhoDo2, that creates *lots* of confusions with users, daily to observe here
<gnz11> yes but there are usually bb/fat free versions available. dsl ran itself down with only 50m
* pupuser6d4304 ( has joined #puppylinux
* Bloodhound rmembers puppy being 20MB
<k3hrn-thom> increase number of sfs files allowed
<Xethron> Puppy has allot of duplicate apps and in the end allot of people's first wish it to bypass them. Seamonkey I personally think should be replaced with something like Opera. Its even faster in some cases in my opinion,
* s0nnyblaq ( has left #puppylinux
<gnz11> Bloodhound, puppy 1.x?
<Bloodhound> opera is proprietary
<WhoDo2> To avoid browser wars, I would suggest that the Quickpet solution be mainstreamed.
<Bloodhound> gnz11, 0.6 thereabouts
<raffy-here> browser choice solved in 5.x - user chooses
<amish> Moving right along -
<Bloodhound> sounds like windows, but ok
<micko01> puppy shouldn't become browserless, so a good small browser, like Midori, may be the way to go
<ralphv> for a nice surprise, run e2fsck on a pup save and watch the errors
<Xethron> aah, haven't used 5...
<Lobster> midori, dillo, kazehakase
* CrustyLobster2 ( has joined #puppylinux
<ttuuxxx> So I guess its agreed puppy 6 will be "Back to the roots"
<ralphv> everybody run e2fsck on their pup saves!
<WhoDo2> Yes, Jeff
<raffy-here> hmm, nice description, ttuuxxx
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, dont guess and make claims then like it was so
<jemimah> we can agree all day but someone has to build it
<micko01> nat a bad codename
<Bloodhound> back to the roots sounds like the right spirit
<Lobster> Hmm, repositories. Delete everything. We need to start from scratch on that and make sure we keep packages up-to-date.
<OverDrive> sorry, I came in around 2006 :-S
<WhoDo2> jemimah would you be willing to give Jeff aka ttuuxxx a hand?
<amish> Puppy 6 - codename Dog Knot
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, the last version i use is from 2006, too much bloat for me after that
<jemimah> Well it depends what's "decided" here
* pupuser33db02 ( has joined #puppylinux
<ralphv> amish, was that the same barryk that was at the last meeting?
<Lobster> amish: i second that
<OverDrive> still 128mb pc's are plentfull around here nowadays...
<raffy-here> Lobster, why do that? any particular reason?
<ttuuxxx> well it looked like Barry agreed it should be built from scratch, I would say either myself or jemimah or both will build it, I'll have to put all other works on hold.
<micko01> Well. I nominate ttuuxxx to coordinate pupp 6, seconds?
<amish> ralphv: I'm thinking so, yes.
* pupuser33db02 ( has left #puppylinux
<WhoDo2> seconded
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, feel free to send me one
<runtt21> ttuuxxx what about 4.3.2 ?
<ralphv> ttuuxxx, your 2.14X has a nice ext 3 pup save. I request the same for puppy 6.
<WhoDo2> 4.3.2 superseded by 5.x release
<OverDrive> shipping cost more than the pc :-)
<Lobster> raffy-here: no particular reason. it just sounds right.
<ttuuxxx> runtt21 I have some time I'll do one 4.32 final for you to use for macpup.
<CrustyLobster2> I have put the text of the meeting on the wiki
<raffy-here> Abt organizing for 6.x, lets just accept nominations for now - for thhe team
<runtt21> Thx
<jc2> 4.32 is already solid,using it daily
<scsijon> if some one will guide when necessary on what is needed to be tested, i'll run a testing reigime
<micko01> ok, raffy, so first nom .. ttuuxxx
<raffy-here> youcan volunteer (nominate self) :)
<ralphv> CrustyLobster2, only part of the meeting is posted
<CrustyLobster2> Not sure who is using the name 'Lobster' but Ed Jason=CrustyLobster2 - sorry about being late
<raffy-here> yes, ttuuxxx, and jemimah was mentioned, too?
* pupuser5fbe70 (~pupuser5f@ has joined #puppylinux
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, and why you talk about a 128MB and relate it to PC's with 128MB RAM???
<amish> lulz
<Lobster> CrustyLobster2: don't claim to be me.
<Lobster> You god damn fucking prick.
* pupusere981bf ( has joined #puppylinux
<micko01> not me! I can help out heaps, atm I am looking after localisation for 5.1, as well as fine tuning Quickpet
<raffy-here> Ohh, Lobster2 is the real one. greets
<CrustyLobster2> If anyone has the rest of the meeting please post to wiki
<raffy-here> we're now accepting nominees to 6.x team (volunteers welcome)
<Lobster> CrustyLobster2: quit posing, gtfo
<amish> CrustyLobster2: I hope you have a legitimate reason for being late
<Xethron> lol
<raffy-here> it's his normal waking up time - ask his DR. :)
<pupuser5fbe70> hay i would like to see 6 on my dell b130
<Bloodhound> real on IRC are registered nicks
* pupusere981bf ( has left #puppylinux
* amish is now known as LobsterEd
<raffy-here> meantime that nominations are coming in, what about ideas/reports on support (websites, repos)
* evil (~evil@unaffiliated/evil) has left #puppylinux ("Weechat v69")
<pupuser5fbe70> raffy can you send out ver.6 on irc transfer
<WhoDo2> Ed we need to move further discussion to a private forum to avoid the trolls.
<Lobster> I agree
<CrustyLobster2> '/IGNORE Lobster all' for those who are trolling
<Xethron> I think its important that the repositories be kept up to date...
<OverDrive> I am saying 128mb sized pc's are fairly normal now. So perhaps puppy could take advantage of the extra ram.
<LobsterEd> CrustyLobster2 is the fraud
<Lobster> Xethron: that is what I was saying.
<Xethron> Im just confirming
<CrustyLobster2> '/IGNORE LobsterEd all'
<LobsterEd> I believe it's important that the suppositories are up to date
<WhoDo2> We could make 6.x our version of an LTS release and go from there with support and repos
<Lobster> rofl
* LobsterEd is now known as LobsterEd2
<raffy-here> good idea, whodo
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, if you have a 128MB RAM pc, system could be *maximum* half!!
<pupuser5fbe70> is 6.x reddy
<scsijon> is there a need to split the ownership of maintaining repositry into groups, say core, apps1, apps2...
<raffy-here> LTS=long-term support
<zots> I have two 128meg laptops sitting here. sent to me with the "keep the laptop, i just need the data off the hard drive" contract
<LobsterEd2> pupuser5fbe70: yes
<ralphv> what's
* Pupuser402 (~puppy@ has joined #puppylinux
<CrustyLobster2> '/IGNORE LobsterEd2 all'
* Default_User ( has joined #puppylinux
* LobsterEd2 is now known as |LobsterEd|
<Lobster> CrustyLobster2: Will you stop already before you are kicked for trolling.
<raffy-here> good idea, too, scsijon
* Pupuser402 (~puppy@ has left #puppylinux
<CrustyLobster2> Just add trolls to the ignore list
* pupuser5fbe70 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<|LobsterEd|> CrustyLobster2: that syntax only works for certain IRC clients
<Xethron> I think that pet-get needs a bit more work... also make it usable in command line!
<OverDrive> Bloodhound do u mean the OS should be no more than 64mb?
<|LobsterEd|> CrustyLobster2: therefore, you fail
* nnhit ( has joined #puppylinux
<nnhit> hello
* |LobsterEd| (~ae78f812@gateway/web/freenode/x-yyazkfkwgftfkulb) has left #puppylinux
<Lobster> Ok, lets move this meeting to #puppylinux-devmeeting.
<WhoDo2> Happy to help ttuuxxx, jemimah and micko01 among others with some coordination of effort re packages etc., but not interested in building another version. No time.
<Lobster> The trolls are here.
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, for a pc of 128MB that would even be much
<nnhit> loooove puppy!
<raffy-here> uses pets from CLI, I guess?
* pupuser5fbe70 (~pupuser5f@ has joined #puppylinux
* Default_User has quit (Client Quit)
<pupuser5fbe70> ayttm is not as good as the irc prog in ver4
<pupuser5fbe70> lol
<raffy-here> Notice: Lobster will be chair at puppylinux-devmeeting (I have requested him to)
<zots> may I listen in?
<runtt21> goodnight all
<Bloodhound> now we need a table
<raffy-here> I will stay here to catch additional ideas/motions
* runtt21 ( has left #puppylinux
* tubeguy ( has left #puppylinux
<elraven> how will thew structure of 6x be decided ??
<raffy-here> by the team
* micko01 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<WhoDo2> define "structure"
* jemimah ( has left #puppylinux
* micko01 ( has joined #puppylinux
<pupuser5fbe70> so is there a ftp server or some ware to get ver 6
* nuption (~45aba90a@gateway/web/freenode/x-harczzwnoigjywgh) has joined #puppylinux
<Lobster> Please. Join #puppylinux-devmeeting to continue our discussions.
* pupuser402usa (~ae78f812@gateway/web/freenode/x-jzpsjznpqazoprsf) has joined #puppylinux
<elraven> you know, the way puppy is put together , number of apps and so forth
<pupuser5fbe70> Join #puppylinux-devmeeting
<WhoDo2> the team will decide after listening to community and dev input as usual
<raffy-here> put / in your join command
* pupuser5fbe70 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<raffy-here> ok, guys, my battery is going and my social obligations will take over :)
* nuption is now known as alienuption
* pupuser402usa is now known as alienfred
<Xethron> lol
<elraven> thanks raffy-here :)
<Xethron> cheers raffy-here
<OverDrive> Hmmm....I'm using a laptop with 96mb on 4.12 with pfix=noram and swap (which is never touched). But I guess for new users that would not be easily figuired out
<WhoDo2> I've had enough of the rubbish too raffy.
<raffy-here> Kindly catch last-minute ideas/nominations, Whodo (co-chair for releases)
<Xethron> Thanks for the input
* nnhit ( has left #puppylinux
<CrustyLobster2> Thanks for you help - thanks for being here Warren :)
* big_bass (~big_bass@ has joined #puppylinux
* WhoDo2 has quit (Quit: Ayttm logging off)
* Lobster is now known as alienbutthole
<raffy-here> mm, warrn, i guess that's part of cht-lese exchange :)
* pupuser5fbe70 (~pupuser5f@ has joined #puppylinux
<raffy-here> chat-lese
* Pupuser402 (~puppy@ has joined #puppylinux
<raffy-here> thanks, guys!
<Bloodhound> OverDrive, if i had to use pfix=noram, then i just use a more light system than puppy, rather
<alienbutthole> you guys are all idiots.. you realize this right?
* tubeguy ( has joined #puppylinux
<alienbutthole> no wonder this distribution smells like its been jammed up someones ass
<micko01> may I suggest that for future meetings, the chat room id be pmed to the interested partys
<big_bass> hey
<ralphv> hi big_bass
<alienbutthole> may i suggest that everyone just gives it up. lost cause.
<jc2> great idea
<OverDrive> Well, I am partial to puppy. I that laptop is not my main pc
<ttuuxxx> hi bigbass/Joe :)
<Xethron> Agreed
* alienfred (~ae78f812@gateway/web/freenode/x-jzpsjznpqazoprsf) has left #puppylinux
<CrustyLobster2> Yes that can be done Mick
<micko01> hi Joe
<ralphv> CrustyLobster2, you are the only lobster with a british IP, could you make another channel?
<tubeguy> yo mick
<big_bass> hey ralphv
<ttuuxxx> I did kind of ask for that just for that reason.
<Xethron> Dev discussions shouldn't be held in main channe;
<micko01> hey tubeguy
* Pupuser402 is now known as gnz1
<Xethron> channel*
* jemimah ( has joined #puppylinux
<raffy-here> meeting continues in #puppylinux-devmeeting
<big_bass> ttuuxxx hey Jeff
* scsijon has quit (Quit: Ayttm logging off)
<CrustyLobster2> No I can not make another channel
* alienuption has quit ()
<tubeguy> oy vey, is it always like this?
<alienbutthole> CrustyLobster2: the gui impared do not know how to create a channel.
<CrustyLobster2> Also I was kicked from the development channel
<gnz1> sorry to ask but had to change location. what was the idea for further development
* scsijon (~scsijon@ has joined #puppylinux
* alienbutthole has quit (Quit: Page closed)
<Xethron> dont worry CrustyLobster2 everyone left
<ralphv> CrustyLobster2, just type /j #roomnamehere and it will be created
<OverDrive> how do I go to #puppylinux-devmeeting. My first day chatting?
<Xethron> type /join and the channel name
* jayne has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<Xethron> double clicking will also join it I think
* scsijon has quit (Client Quit)
* scsijon (~scsijon@ has joined #puppylinux
* jayne_ (maddhatt@freenode/staff/jayne) has joined #puppylinux
<big_bass> hey micko01 ,CrustyLobster2, ,raffy
<micko01> puppy 5x will continue on as being built from woof with other distros binaries, and Puppy 6 will be a "back to roots" distro all recompiled from scratch
<Xethron> Ok umm... so is this meeting gonne continue? And where?
<ralphv> waiting for CrustyLobster2 to type /j #makeupaname
<gnz1> thx micko01 that was where i left at
<CrustyLobster2> I would suggest that if anyone has the complete transcript they post to the wiki
* raffy-here has quit (Quit: Ayttm logging off)
<big_bass> I always use this older package
<Xethron> CrustyLobster2, you gonne make us a channel?
<ralphv> with all that junk mixed in?
<CrustyLobster2> no with the junk removed
<gnz1> big bass doesn't that gaim still puke on msn and yahoo
<ttuuxxx> CrustyLobster2 I have it all, I'll PM it to you in the forum
<CrustyLobster2> thanks ttuuuxxx
<gnz1> ran a 3 pup and it didn't like
<ralphv> we can continue meeting here, the fake lobsters have left

Revision [7530]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2010-05-30 00:30:33 by CrustyLobster [complete text]
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