Revision [14663]
This is an old revision of opera made by coolpup on 2011-05-23 02:49:06.
opera-11.11.2109-20110519.txz portable & self-contained 10MB SoftwareInstallation software package - DISCLAIMER
- verify that sufficient partition space is available: >= (32MB + 10MB)
- install the latest available versions of wget and XZUtils xz
- download and install the package to /mnt/home/ (which is outside any frugal save file) using the command-line interface:
wget -t 0 --retry-connrefused -c -N -S -T 16 -w 1 --random-wait --no-dns-cache -P /mnt/home --no-cache --no-cookies && cd /mnt/home && tar xfJv opera-11.11.2109-20110519.txz && /usr/local/bin/rox /mnt/home/opera-11.11.2109-20110519
Dependencies: adblock, bzip2, curl, e2fsprogs, fontconfig, fonts, freetype, grep, JavaRuntimeEnvironment java, libexpat, FlashPlayer libflashplayer, libxau, libxcb, libxcb-xlib, libxrender, openssl, pixman, sqlite, tar, tor